Error Documentation - 1: ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION ERRORS (@3-19)

Quick jumps: 1A || 1B || 1C || 1D || 1E || 1F || 1G || 1H || 1I || 1J || 1K || 1L || 1M


New                                                                Data          Old
Code Function Action Description                                 Provided        Code


Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Aa IDEDIT  Reject Animal identification number is all                           (1A)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ab IDEDIT  Reject Animal identification number is all                           (1A)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ac IDEDIT  Reject Animal identification number has embedded                     (1A)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ad IDEDIT  Reject Animal identification number has embedded                     (1A)
Updated: Mon Oct 16 10:20:47 2000
1Ae IDEDIT  Reject Animal identification number has embedded                     (1A)
                   "NEEDID", "NOID", "99PJS0104",
                   "99PJD1002", or "000099999999".
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Af IDEDIT  Reject Animal identification number has embedded                     (1A)
                   "IMPORT" and is not verified.


Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ba EDITS   Change Animal identification number has leading   Corrected animal   (1C)
                   blanks that are changed to zeroes.         identification and
                                                              pedigree source
Updated: Fri Nov 3 10:02:09 2000
1Bb EDITS   Change Animal identification number is '00004'    Corrected animal   (1C)
                   (@8-12) that is changed to '00000'.        identification and
                   Animal country code is changed to CAN.     pedigree source
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Bc EDITS   Change Canadian animal identification number has  Corrected animal   (1C)
                   non-numeric character @13; possible grade  identification and
                   animal identification. Animal country      pedigree source
                   code is changed to USA.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Bd EDITS   Change VIP animal identification is '000  B' or   Corrected animal   (1C)
                   '000  C' (@8-13). Animal number is changed identification
                   to '00000B' or '00000C'.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Be EDITS   Change Animal identification provided is not the  Corrected animal   (1C)
                   preferred identification. Format 1 records identification and
                   with animal identification from different  pedigree source
                   countries do not receive this error.
                   Format 1 records reassign the preferred
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Bf MATCHID Change Red and White animal identification        Corrected animal   (1C)
                   number is greater than '000000500000'.     identification
                   Animal breed code is changed to "HO".
Updated: Thu Sep 28 10:52:25 2000
1Bg MATCHID Change USA animal country code is changed to      Corrected animal   (1E)
                   CAN. Master file animal identification     identification
                   is breed source, input is not breed
                   source and is not verified. Birth dates
                   are within 10 years.
Updated: Thu Sep 28 10:52:37 2000
1Bh MATCHID Change CAN animal country code is changed to      Corrected animal   (1E)
                   USA. Master file animal identification     identification
                   is breed source, input is not breed
                   source and is not verified. Birth dates
                   are within 10 years.
Updated: Thu Nov 8 09:16:19 2001
1Bi MATCHID Change Animal breed code is changed to            Corrected animal   (1D)
                   master file animal identification breed    identification
                   code. (HO/WW/MR/XX combination)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Bj MATCHID Change Corrected animal identification is not     Corrected animal   (1C)
                   the preferred identification.              identification and
                                                              pedigree source
Updated: Tue Jul 22 10:25:46 2003
1Bk EDITS   Change Canadian animal identification number has  Corrected animal   (  )
                   Red and White breed code. Breed code is    identification and
                   changed to Holstein.                       pedigree source
Updated: Thu Oct 23 13:04:59 2003
1Bl IDEDIT  Change Breed code of animal identification        Corrected animal   (  )
                   number is invalid. Breed code is changed.  identification and
                                                              pedigree source
Updated: Wed Nov 10 11:09:09 2004
1Bn MATCHID Change IRL/GBR animal country code is changed     Corrected animal   (  )
                   to existing country code.                  identification


Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ca IDEDIT  Notify American ID animal number is greater than                     (1A)
                   the highest identification known, and is
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Cb IDEDIT  Notify Old type registered animal identification                     (1A)
                   number is outside limits and is verified.
Updated: Thu Nov 8 08:54:52 2001
1Cd MATCHID Notify HO/WW/MR cross reference added for         Conflicting animal (1D)
                   animal number that has already been        identification
                   assigned to the other breed.
                   USA/CAN/DEU/NLD have been identified
                   as having unique identification for
                   sex and breed.
Updated: Fri Nov 2 07:28:09 2001
1Ce MATCHID Notify HO/WW/MR cross reference added for         Conflicting animal (1D)
                   animal number that has already been        identification
                   assigned to the other breed.
                   Country has NOT been identified
                   as having unique identification for
                   sex and breed.
Updated: Wed May 10 07:16:21 2006
1Cf MATCHID Notify HO/WW cross reference added for NLD or     Conflicting animal (1D)
                   DEU country code animal number that has    identification
                   already been assigned to the other breed.
                   OBSOLETE as of November 2001.
                   Merged with 1Cd error.
Updated: Tue Oct 10 13:58:22 2000
1Ch IDEDIT  Notify American ID animal number is outside                          (  )
                   limits and is verified.
Updated: Thu Jul 24 14:12:28 2003
1Ci MATCHID Notify Animal exists with the same pedigree,      Conflicting animal (  )
                   but a different gender. Master file        identification
                   gender has successfully been updated.


Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Da IDEDIT  Reject Animal breed code is invalid.                                 (1A)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Db IDEDIT  Reject Animal country code is invalid.                               (1A)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Dc IDEDIT  Reject USA animal identification number has                          (1A)
                   non-numeric characters where not
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Dd IDEDIT  Reject Grade animal identification number has                        (1A)
                   invalid state code. (@11-12).
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1De IDEDIT  Reject Grade animal identification number has                        (1A)
                   missing alphabetic characters in middle                      
                   positions (@13-15).  
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Df IDEDIT  Reject Grade animal identification number has                        (1A)
                   missing 'V' following '00097' (@8-13).
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Dg IDEDIT  Reject VIP animal identification number is                           (1A)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Dh IDEDIT  Reject Old type registered animal identification                     (1A)
                   number has invalid digits (@11-12)
                   (not 00,01,02,36,37,06).
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Di IDEDIT  Reject American ID animal number has failed                          (1A)
                   check digit test (see Attachment 1).
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Dj IDEDIT  Reject American ID animal number is greater than                     (1A)
                   the highest identification known and is
                   not verified.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Dk IDEDIT  Reject Old type registered animal identification                     (1A)
                   number is outside limits and is not
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Dl IDEDIT  Reject Red & White animal identification number is                   (1A)
                   between '000000119255' and '000050000000'.
Updated: Tue Oct 10 13:58:40 2000
1Dq IDEDIT  Reject American ID animal number is outside limits                   (  )
                   and is not verified.


Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ea IDEDIT  Reject CAN animal identification number has                          (  )
                   non-numeric characters in (@8-18).
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Eb IDEDIT  Reject CAN animal identification number has                          (  )
                   non-numeric and non A-E, U in (@19).
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ec IDEDIT  Reject CAN Holstein animal identification number                     (  )
                   is less than '000005000000' for
                   animal born after 1989.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ed IDEDIT  Reject CAN animal identification number is less                      (  )
                   than '000000010000' or greater than
                   '000018000000' and is not verified.
Updated: Fri Oct 6 07:45:01 2000
1Ee IDEDIT  Reject CAN animal identification number is not                       (  )
                   a valid number for the breed and sex.
Updated: Fri Oct 6 07:45:15 2000
1Ef IDEDIT  Reject CAN animal identification number is not                       (  )
                   within 5 years of existing animal.
Updated: Wed Apr 10 07:06:32 2002
1Eg IDEDIT  Reject CAN Milking Shorthorn registration                            (  )
                   number is less than 7 million; born after 2000.


Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Fb IDEDIT  Reject Animal identification number equals sire                      (1F)
                   identification number on the input record.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Fc IDEDIT  Reject Animal identification number equals dam                       (1F)
                   identification number on the input record.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Fd MATCHID Reject Buck/Doe or grade cow/bull identification  Conflicting animal (1G)
                   that has already been assigned to opposite identification
Updated: Thu Nov 8 08:56:55 2001
1Fe MATCHID Reject Grade animal identification that has       Conflicting animal (1D)
                   already been assigned to another breed.    identification 
                   (non-HO/WW/MR/XX combination)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ff MATCHID Reject Registered animal identification that      Conflicting animal (1G)
                   has already been assigned to opposite      identification 
                   sex.  For animal breeds other than
                   MS and WW, the same number can be
                   assigned to both sexes, but the birth
                   date must differ by more than 20 years.
Updated: Fri Nov 21 11:48:58 2003
1Fg MATCHID Reject Animal identification number that has      Conflicting animal (1G)
                   already been assigned to the opposite      identification
                   USA/CAN/DEU/NLD have been identified
                   as having unique identification for
                   sex and breed.
Updated: Thu Nov 8 08:53:20 2001
1Fh MATCHID Reject Animal identification number that has      Conflicting animal (1D)
                   already been assigned to another breed.    identification
                   (HO/WW/MR combination)
                   Cross reference of the animals failed.
                   USA/CAN/DEU/NLD have been identified
                   as having unique identification for
                   sex and breed.
Updated: Thu Nov 8 08:56:42 2001
1Fi MATCHID Reject Animal identification number               Conflicting animal (1D)
                   (non HO/WW/MR/XX combination) that has     identification
                   already been assigned to another breed.
                   USA/CAN/DEU/NLD have been identified
                   as having unique identification for
                   sex and breed.
Updated: Wed May 10 07:16:34 2006
1Fj MATCHID Reject Dutch or German animal identification      Conflicting animal (1G)
                   that has already been assigned to          identification
                   opposite sex.                                 
                   OBSOLETE as of November 2001.
                   Merged with 1Fg error.
Updated: Wed May 10 07:16:44 2006
1Fk MATCHID Reject Dutch or German animal identification      Conflicting animal (1D)
                   that has already been assigned to another  identification 
                   breed. (HO/WW combination)
                   Cross reference of the animals failed.
                   OBSOLETE as of November 2001.
                   Merged with 1Fh error.
Updated: Wed May 10 07:16:53 2006
1Fl MATCHID Reject Dutch or German animal identification      Conflicting animal (1D)
                   that has already been assigned to another  identification 
                   breed. (non-HO/WW combination)
                   OBSOLETE as of November 2001.
                   Merged with 1Fi error.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Fm PEDCHK  Reject Animal identification and sire                                (1F)
                   identification have previously been cross
                   referenced in the master file.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Fn PEDCHK  Reject Animal identification and dam                                 (1F)
                   identification have previously been cross
                   referenced in the master file.


Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Gc PEDCHK  Change Input animal identification number         Corrected animal   (1C)
                   '00097V' has no master file '00093V'       identification
                   identification pedigree. Animal
                   identification '00097V' is changed to
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Gd PEDCHK  Change Input animal identification number         Corrected animal   (1C)
                   '00097V' has master file '00093V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires,       pedigree source
                   dams, and birth dates. Animal
                   identification '00097V' is changed to
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Ge PEDCHK  Change Input animal identification number         Corrected animal   (1C)
                   '00097V' has master file '00093V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires        pedigree source
                   and dams, and birth dates within 10 days.
                   Animal identification '00097V' is changed
                   to '00093V'.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:07 2000
1Gf PEDCHK  Change Input animal identification number         Corrected animal   (1C)
                   '00093V' has master file '00097V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires,       pedigree source
                   dams, and birth dates. Animal
                   identification '00093V' is changed to
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Gg PEDCHK  Change Input animal identification number         Corrected animal   (1C)
                   '00093V' has master file '00097V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires        pedigree source
                   and dams, and birth dates within 10 days.
                   Animal identification '00093V' is changed
                   to '00097V'.


Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Ha PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00097V' has master file '00093V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires and    pedigree source
                   birth dates. Dams are not identical.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hb PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00097V' has master file '00093V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires and    pedigree source
                   dams. Birth dates are not within 10 days.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hc PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00097V' has master file '00093V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires.       pedigree source
                   Dams are not identical and birth dates
                   are within 5 years.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hd PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00097V' has master file '00093V'          identification and
                   identification with identical birth        pedigree source
                   dates. Sires are not identical.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1He PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00097V' has master file '00093V'          identification and
                   identification with identical dams.        pedigree source
                   Sires and birth dates are not identical.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hf PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00097V' has master file '00093V'          identification and
                   identification with birth date not         pedigree source
                   earlier than 366 days from '00097V'
                   birth date.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hg PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00093V' has master file '00097V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires        pedigree source
                   and birth dates. Dams are not identical.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hh PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00093V' has master file '00097V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires and    pedigree source
                   dams. Birth dates are not within 10 days.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hi PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00093V' has master file '00097V'          identification and
                   identification with identical sires.       pedigree source
                   Dams are not identical and birth dates
                   are within 5 years.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hj PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00093V' has master file '00097V'          identification and
                   identification with identical birth        pedigree source
                   dates. Sires are not identical.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hk PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00093V' has master file '00097V'          identification and
                   identification with identical dams.        pedigree source
                   Sires and birth dates are not identical.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Hl PEDCHK  Reject Input animal identification number         Conflicting animal (1A)
                   '00093V' has master file '00097V'          identification and
                   identification with birth date not         pedigree source
                   earlier than 366 days.

(Calf is animal < 488 days old)
(Note: calf record determination not yet implemented)

Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Ia TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date. Input   identification,
                   animal is not a calf and is from a         birth date, and
                   format 1. Herd code is not available on    pedigree source
                   input for comparison.
Updated: Wed Jan 22 09:48:48 2003
1Ib TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born within 273 days of        identification,
                   birth date. If input animal is a calf,     birth date, and
                   birth dates are required to be within      pedigree source
                   10 days; if not a calf, birth dates are
                   required to be equal.
                   (143 days for goats)
Updated: Wed Jan 22 09:49:01 2003
1Ic TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a maternal half-sister    Conflicting sister (4B)
                   in the master file born within 273 days    identification,
                   of birth date.                             birth date, and
                   (143 days for goats)                       pedigree source

(Calf is animal < 488 days old)
(Note: calf record determination not yet implemented)

Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Ja TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Input animal is a calf and     birth date, and
                   sister is not a twin, but has lactations.  pedigree source
                   (For calves, neither animal must have
                   lactations to cross reference animals.)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Jb TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Input animal is a calf and     birth date, and
                   sister is not a twin. Herd code is         pedigree source
                   available on input.
                   (For calves, neither animal must have
                   lactations to cross reference animals.)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Jc TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date, but not the same day.          birth date, and
                                                              pedigree source
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Jd TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Herd code is not available     birth date, and
                   on input for comparison.                   pedigree source
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Je TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date. Sister  identification,
                   has no lactations and either she has       birth date, and
                   progeny or her pedigree source is non-     pedigree source
                   (Cross reference between animals is made
                   if sister has no lactations and no
                   progeny and her pedigree source is DRPC.)
Updated: Wed Jan 22 09:49:16 2003
1Jf TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date. Sister  identification,
                   has a calving date within 273 days of      birth date,
                   input calving date.                        herd code, and
                   (Cross reference between animals is made   pedigree source
                   if sister is not a twin and calving dates
                   and herd codes are equal.)
                   (143 days for goats)
Updated: Wed Jan 22 09:49:29 2003
1Jg TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date. Sister  identification,
                   does not have a calving date within 273    birth date,
                   days of input calving date.                herd code, and
                   (Cross reference between animals is made   pedigree source
                   if sister is not a twin and sister's
                   last lactation herd code is equal to
                   input herd code.)
                   (143 days for goats)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Jh TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date. Cross   identification,
                   reference attempted, but lactations will   birth date, and
                   not merge.                                 pedigree source
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Ji TWINRTN Change Grade animal has a full sister in the      Corrected animal   (1C)
                   master file born on the same date. Cross   identification
                   reference was successful.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Jj TWINRTN Change Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting        (4F)
                   master file born within 10 days of         birth date and
                   birth date. Cross reference was success-   pedigree source
                   ful. Master file birth date of sister is
                   not updated.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Jk TWINRTN Notify Registered animal has a full sister in the Corrected animal   (1C)
                   master file born on the same date. Cross   identification
                   reference was successful.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Jl TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting        (4F)
                   in the master file born within 10          birth date and
                   days of birth date. Cross reference        pedigree source
                   was successful.  Master file birth date
                   of sister is updated.

(Calf is animal < 488 days old)
(Note: calf record determination not yet implemented)

Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Ka TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date, but not the same day.          birth date, and
                                                              pedigree source
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Kb TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Herd code is not available     birth date, and
                   on input for comparison.                   pedigree source
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Kc TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date. Sister  identification,
                   has no lactations, but has progeny.        birth date, and
                   (Twin identification between animals is    pedigree source
                   made if sister is DRPC pedigree source
                   and either sister has no lactations and
                   no progeny or sister's last lactation herd
                   code is equal to input herd code and
                   identification numbers are within 20
                   digits of each other.)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Kd TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date. Sister  identification,
                   is non-DRPC pedigree source.               birth date, and
                   (Twin identification between animals is    pedigree source
                   made if sister is DRPC pedigree source
                   and either sister has no lactations and
                   no progeny or sister's last lactation herd
                   code is equal to input herd code and
                   identification numbers are within 20
                   digits of each other.)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Ke TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date.         identification,
                   Sister's last lactation herd code is not   birth date,
                   equal to input herd code.                  herd code and
                   (Twin identification between animals is    pedigree source
                   made if sister is DRPC pedigree source
                   and either sister has no lactations and
                   no progeny or sister's last lactation herd
                   code is equal to input herd code and
                   identification numbers are within 20
                   digits of each other.)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Kf TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date.         identification,
                   Identification numbers are not within      birth date,
                   20 digits of each other.                   herd code and
                   (Twin identification between animals is    pedigree source
                   made if sister is DRPC pedigree source
                   and either sister has no lactations and
                   no progeny or sister's last lactation herd
                   code is equal to input herd code and
                   identification numbers are within 20
                   digits of each other.)
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Kg TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date.         identification,
                   Animals are identified as twins.           birth date, and
                                                              pedigree source

(Calf is animal < 488 days old)
(Note: calf record determination not yet implemented)

Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1La TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (4B)
                   master file born on the same date.         identification,
                   Retag attempted, but lactations will       birth date, and
                   not merge.                                 pedigree source
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Lb TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting        (4F)
                   in the master file born within 10          birth date and
                   days of birth date. Retag was successful.  pedigree source
                   Master file birth date is updated.
Updated: Tue Sep 26 14:43:08 2000
1Lc TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sister in the      Conflicting sister (1C)
                   master file born on the same date.         identification
                   Because sister has no lactations and no
                   progeny, retag was successful; sister
                   identification was removed.


Updated: Wed Jan 22 10:06:37 2003
1Ma TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a maternal half-sib       Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   in the master file born within 273 days    identification,
                   of birth date. Sib is not ET or clone.     birth date, and
                   (143 days for goats)                       pedigree source
Updated: Wed Jan 22 10:06:50 2003
1Mb TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 273 days of        identification,
                   birth date, but not the same day.          birth date, and
                   Sib is not a ET or clone. Master file      pedigree source
                   birth date is within 10 days of birth
                   date or at least one of the birth dates
                   is estimated.
                   (143 days for goats)
Updated: Wed Jan 22 10:07:03 2003
1Mc TWINRTN Reject Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 273 days of        identification,
                   birth date, but not the same day.          birth date, and
                   Sib is not a ET or clone. Master file      pedigree source
                   birth date is NOT within 10 days of
                   birth date and neither birth date
                   is estimated.
                   (143 days for goats)
Updated: Wed Jan 17 14:04:21 2001
1Md TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Cross reference was            birth date, and
                   successful.                                pedigree source
Updated: Wed Jan 17 14:05:54 2001
1Me TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Cross reference was            birth date, and
                   successful. Input animal ID was            pedigree source
                   misidentified and deleted.
Updated: Wed Jan 17 14:00:47 2001
1Mf TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Sibling in the master file     birth date, and
                   is changed to twin. Input animal is        pedigree source
                   changed to twin.
Updated: Wed Jan 17 14:01:37 2001
1Mg TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Input animal is changed to     birth date, and
                   twin.                                      pedigree source
Updated: Wed Jan 17 14:02:05 2001
1Mh TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Sibling in the master file     birth date, and
                   is changed to twin.                        pedigree source
Updated: Wed Jan 17 14:03:54 2001
1Mi TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Cross reference was            birth date, and
                   successful. Birth date is updated.         pedigree source
Updated: Wed Jan 17 14:06:37 2001
1Mj TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   master file born within 10 days of         identification,
                   birth date. Cross reference was            birth date, and
                   successful. Sibling in the master file     pedigree source
                   is misidentified and deleted.
Updated: Tue Jan 30 14:25:22 2001
1Mk TWINRTN Reject Input animal has more than one full        Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   sibling in the master file born within     identification,
                   10 days of birth date that is a            birth date, and
                   possible cross reference.                  pedigree source
Updated: Mon Feb 5 13:02:57 2001
1Ml TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a full sibling in the     Conflicting sibling
                   master file born within 10 days of birth   identification,
                   date. Lactations were merged with input    birth date, and
                   animal. Separate pedigrees remain.         pedigree source
                   Sibling in the master file is changed to
                   twin. Input animal is changed to twin.
Updated: Wed Jan 22 10:07:27 2003
1Mm TWINRTN Notify Input animal has a maternal half-sib in    Conflicting sibling (4B)
                   the master file born within 273 days of    identification,
                   birth date. Interbull or DRPC source.      birth date, and
                   Input animal is changed to ET.             pedigree source
                   (143 days for goats)