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Reference 10. -- Cow destination group

The primary termination code stored in AIPL's database will be the one reported with the date left herd if the cow is dry. In this case, the primary termination code associated with the high DIM will not be stored.

Primary termination code
(more important reason than the secondary code described below)
Description Termination Code
Still in herd Lactation in progress or ended normally without an abortion 0
Lactation ended with an abortion at >=152 days and < 251 days (261 days for Brown Swiss) after conception, or aborted at >= 200 days in milk if no breeding date 8
Sold for dairy purposes Cow sold/transferred to another dairy alive to provide income from milk, calves, or embryos 2
Sold for slaughter or salvage Cow sold for locomotion problems (feet, legs, lameness) 1
Cow sold for poor production (low production not caused by other reasons) 3
Cow sold because of reproductive problems 4
Cow sold due to mastitis or high somatic cells 7
Cow sold due to udder problems (conformation or injury) 9
Cow sold due to undesirable conformation (other than udder) A
Cow sold due to aggressive behavior (undesirable temperament) B
Cow sold for any other reason, or reason not specified 5
Died Cow died on the dairy; downer cows that were euthanized should be included here 6

Secondary termination code
(less important reason than the primary code described above)
Reason Sold Termination
No secondary reason given blank
Locomotion problems (feet, legs, lameness) 1
Poor production (low production not caused by other reasons) 3
Reproductive problems 4
Mastitis or high somatic cells 7
Udder problems (conformation or injury) 9
Undesirable conformation (other than udder) A
Aggressive behavior (undesirable temperament) B
Other reason, or reason not specified 5