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Annual Dairy Herd Information (DHI) reports released by CDCB
DHI Participation
(NCDHIP Handbook Fact Sheet K-1)
State and National Standardized Lactation Averages by Breed for Cows on Official Test
(NCDHIP Handbook Fact Sheet K-2)
Summary of DHIA Herd Averages
(NCDHIP Handbook Fact Sheet K-3)
Somatic Cell Counts of Milk from DHI Herds
Reasons that Cows in DHI Programs Exit the Herd
Reproductive Status of Cows in DHI Programs
Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) Letters
DHI Letter listing
(reports from the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory and its predecessors, 1927–81)
DHIA Factors for Projecting Incomplete Records to 305 Days
, ARS-44-164, DHI Letter 41(6). 1965.
[introductory material for historical reference]
DHIA Age Adjustment Factors for Standardizing Lactations to a Mature Basis
, ARS-44-188, DHI Letter 43(1). 1967.
[introductory material and figures for historical reference]
Projection Factors for Milk and Fat Lactation Records
, DHI Letter 56(1). 1980.
[historical reference]
Other DHI reports
Calculating Lactation Records
(Fact Sheet G-1)
Standardization of Lactation Records
(Fact Sheet G-2)
USDA-DHIA Animal Model Genetic Evaluations
(Fact Sheet H-2)
USDA-DHIA Factors for Standardizing 305-Day Lactation Records for Age and Month of Calving
, ARS-NE-40. 1974.
[introductory material for historical reference]
The USDA-DHIA Modified Contemporary Comparison Sire Summary and Cow Index Procedures
, USDA Production Research Report No. 165. 1976.
[historical reference]