Table 5. State and national standardized lactation averages for Jerseys calving in 1999, with records used in national genetic evaluations.
  Records Milk Fat Protein1
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Alabama 1,903 16,155 4.55 736 3.60 582
Arizona 4,689 17,975 4.67 839 3.51 630
Arkansas 389 13,426 4.54 609 3.67 492
California 24,475 18,193 4.59 834 3.65 664
Colorado 55 17,182 4.46 767 3.52 604
Connecticut 350 16,649 4.86 810 3.52 586
Delaware 7 16,018 4.93 789 3.45 552
Florida 273 14,957 4.23 632 3.50 523
Georgia 917 16,337 4.17 682 3.49 570
Idaho 2,564 17,552 4.49 789 3.66 642
Illinois 1,154 15,934 4.62 736 3.56 568
Indiana 1,176 15,747 4.56 718 3.56 560
Iowa 2,615 16,580 4.64 769 3.53 584
Kansas 901 15,624 4.54 709 3.53 552
Kentucky 1,483 15,150 4.44 673 3.55 537
Louisiana 445 14,463 4.13 598 3.46 501
Maine 809 16,433 4.65 764 3.54 582
Maryland 873 17,303 4.70 814 3.54 612
Massachusetts 716 16,064 4.68 752 3.54 569
Michigan 1,679 15,359 4.77 732 3.52 540
Minnesota 2,141 15,704 4.72 741 3.54 555
Mississippi 620 15,867 4.31 684 3.52 559
Missouri 1,268 15,017 4.39 659 3.55 534
Montana 5 18,802 4.32 811 3.55 667
Nebraska 364 17,348 4.38 761 3.57 620
Nevada 880 19,089 4.67 892 3.76 718
New Hampshire 624 17,721 4.61 817 3.56 631
New Jersey 149 15,413 4.98 767 3.51 540
New Mexico 24 18,661 4.29 801 3.73 695
New York 5,725 16,506 4.68 772 3.54 584
North Carolina 1,582 17,538 4.44 780 3.49 612
North Dakota 45 15,361 4.12 632 3.49 536
Ohio 6,384 16,515 4.73 781 3.58 591
Oklahoma 440 14,899 4.42 659 3.56 530
Oregon 5,925 18,019 4.68 844 3.59 647
Pennsylvania 6,730 16,146 4.69 757 3.52 569
Puerto Rico 223 11,334 3.69 418 3.63 411
Rhode Island 18 12,620 4.82 608 3.62 457
South Carolina 2,380 17,187 4.56 783 3.49 600
South Dakota 203 16,635 4.70 782 3.60 599
Tennessee 2,290 16,270 4.51 734 3.49 568
Texas 5,097 14,967 4.48 670 3.53 528
Utah 1,351 17,701 4.50 796 3.60 637
Vermont 3,266 15,987 4.69 750 3.54 566
Virginia 1,229 17,908 4.65 833 3.56 637
Washington 2,132 18,221 4.56 832 3.55 648
West Virginia 225 18,902 4.44 839 3.55 671
Wisconsin 5,667 16,324 4.74 773 3.55 579
United States 104,460 16,940 4.61 781 3.57 605
1Protein was reported with at least 99% of records for all states