Table 6. State and national standardized lactation averages for Milking Shorthorns calving in 1999, with records used in national genetic evaluations.
  Records Milk Fat Protein1
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Alabama 1 12,719 4.21 536 3.29 419
Arizona 211 14,120 3.53 499 3.08 434
Arkansas 12 19,702 3.59 708 3.16 622
California 179 16,294 3.48 567 3.14 512
Colorado 6 22,344 3.41 763 3.09 691
Connecticut 2 19,144 3.72 713 2.98 570
Idaho 72 25,638 3.34 858 3.09 793
Illinois 37 17,277 3.66 633 3.17 547
Indiana 27 16,095 3.59 578 3.23 521
Iowa 150 14,300 3.76 538 3.08 441
Kansas 35 18,109 3.73 675 3.12 565
Maine 43 17,551 3.56 625 3.08 541
Maryland 4 16,045 3.92 629 2.94 472
Massachusetts 12 18,575 3.51 653 3.08 572
Michigan 1 15,026 4.50 676 3.13 470
Minnesota 526 17,044 3.67 625 3.06 521
Missouri 81 16,630 3.55 590 3.20 533
Nebraska 24 15,215 3.48 529 3.13 476
New Hampshire 69 18,157 3.53 641 3.03 551
New York 71 16,189 3.46 561 3.04 492
North Dakota 8 16,421 3.70 607 3.22 529
Ohio 76 14,084 3.53 497 3.04 428
Oklahoma 203 15,933 3.33 531 3.06 489
Oregon 66 18,832 3.56 670 3.15 593
Pennsylvania 41 18,301 3.58 655 2.99 548
South Dakota 83 15,181 3.59 546 3.16 479
Tennessee 8 16,669 3.24 539 3.08 514
Texas 34 18,121 3.35 608 3.17 574
Utah 50 14,387 3.81 549 3.26 469
Vermont 45 15,470 3.62 560 2.96 458
Virginia 8 19,413 3.39 657 2.96 575
Washington 39 21,585 3.22 696 3.05 658
West Virginia 1 17,838 4.13 736 3.02 539
Wisconsin 211 17,394 3.68 640 3.07 534
United States 2,436 16,704 3.57 596 3.09 516
1Protein was reported with at least 99% of records for all states