Table 3. Guernsey State and national standardized lactation averages
for cows calving in 2000 with records used in national genetic evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) % Reporting
Alabama 7 17,462 4.41 769 3.35 585 100
Arizona 30 18,512 3.83 709 3.10 573 100
Arkansas 60 13,206 4.44 586 3.40 449 100
California 421 18,118 4.31 781 3.38 623 88
Connecticut 35 15,566 4.72 735 3.42 532 100
Delaware 2 19,488 3.80 742 3.37 657 100
Florida 4 13,629 4.38 597 3.34 455 100
Georgia 11 12,832 3.86 496 3.25 418 100
Idaho 21 16,115 4.19 675 3.50 564 100
Illinois 254 16,999 4.42 752 3.26 554 100
Indiana 451 15,974 4.45 711 3.35 536 100
Iowa 662 16,984 4.46 757 3.32 564 100
Kansas 43 15,200 4.11 624 3.22 489 100
Kentucky 68 14,039 4.24 596 3.28 461 100
Louisiana 119 13,632 4.62 630 3.35 456 100
Maine 33 15,224 4.52 688 3.45 526 100
Maryland 400 16,229 4.51 731 3.34 542 100
Massachusetts 8 16,041 4.55 730 3.30 529 100
Michigan 73 14,162 4.34 614 3.23 457 100
Minnesota 663 15,154 4.53 687 3.28 497 100
Mississippi 1 10,357 3.74 387 3.45 357 100
Missouri 292 14,099 4.46 628 3.39 479 100
Montana 30 18,129 4.19 760 3.26 591 100
Nebraska 125 16,617 4.43 736 3.30 548 100
New Hampshire 32 18,377 4.24 779 3.29 605 100
New York 621 15,163 4.51 684 3.29 499 100
North Carolina 109 15,793 4.35 687 3.27 517 100
Ohio 460 15,454 4.54 702 3.33 515 100
Oklahoma 51 16,242 4.04 655 3.25 528 100
Oregon 403 17,785 4.41 784 3.33 592 100
Pennsylvania 937 15,624 4.44 694 3.26 509 100
South Carolina 103 17,589 4.54 798 3.34 588 100
South Dakota 64 14,636 4.56 668 3.34 488 100
Tennessee 66 17,174 4.20 721 3.23 554 100
Texas 69 13,692 4.30 588 3.24 444 100
Utah 17 17,965 4.37 785 3.33 598 100
Vermont 208 15,250 4.53 691 3.29 502 100
Virginia 157 15,807 4.58 724 3.31 523 100
Washington 120 16,850 4.60 775 3.34 563 100
West Virginia 32 15,661 4.41 690 3.47 543 100
Wisconsin 2144 16,307 4.50 735 3.29 537 100
US 9406 16,043 4.46 716 3.31 531 >99