Table 6. Milking Shorthorn State and national standardized lactation averages
for cows calving in 2000 with records used in national genetic evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) % Reporting
Alabama 3 12,924 3.41 441 3.15 408 100
Arizona 233 13,615 3.48 474 3.03 412 100
Arkansas 11 14,110 3.62 510 3.06 432 100
California 146 16,648 3.45 575 3.11 518 100
Colorado 5 20,052 3.52 706 3.11 625 100
Connecticut 5 15,118 3.89 589 3.14 474 100
Idaho 61 23,869 3.32 793 3.15 751 100
Illinois 40 17,058 3.58 610 3.09 528 100
Indiana 35 14,495 3.53 511 3.14 456 100
Iowa 146 14,438 3.74 540 3.12 451 100
Kansas 39 20,693 3.73 771 3.13 648 100
Maine 32 17,640 3.54 624 3.10 546 100
Maryland 7 15,565 3.65 568 3.06 476 100
Massachusetts 5 18,087 3.22 582 3.08 557 100
Michigan 2 19,779 4.06 803 3.12 618 100
Minnesota 494 16,668 3.71 618 3.09 515 100
Missouri 86 17,182 3.68 632 3.24 556 100
Nebraska 22 15,147 3.65 552 3.18 481 100
New Hampshire 75 19,467 3.59 700 3.05 595 100
New York 59 16,518 3.50 577 3.07 506 100
North Carolina 7 13,111 3.99 523 3.12 410 100
North Dakota 8 16,654 3.71 618 3.27 545 100
Ohio 101 12,415 3.45 429 3.02 375 100
Oklahoma 168 16,364 3.48 570 3.10 507 100
Oregon 62 16,594 3.62 600 3.17 526 100
Pennsylvania 37 18,410 3.59 661 3.08 567 100
South Dakota 87 15,674 3.67 575 3.11 488 100
Tennessee 12 15,708 3.45 541 2.95 464 100
Texas 32 17,527 3.49 611 3.26 571 100
Utah 46 15,405 3.67 565 3.24 499 100
Vermont 49 15,560 3.69 574 3.01 469 100
Virginia 11 18,288 3.62 663 3.15 576 100
Washington 68 20,882 3.46 722 3.02 630 100
Wisconsin 213 18,179 3.66 665 3.06 556 100
US 2407 16,548 3.59 595 3.10 512 100