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K2-05 (2-07)
State and National Standardized Lactation Averages by Breed for Cows Calving in 2005

H.D. Norman and L.L.M. Thornton
Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS-USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350
301-504-8334 (voice) ~ 301-504-8092 (fax) ~ ~

Lactation yields are often standardized to provide a reasonably equitable comparison of dairy cows having different lactation characteristics (i.e., age at calving, days milked, milking frequency, etc.). Average of standardized yield is compared in this report for each State and the nation for calvings in 2005 by breed. The data available originated in herds enrolled in the Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) Program. The test-day data, used by the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory to determine lactation records, are processed and provided by the dairy records processing centers (DRPC). DHI participation and DRPC activity have also been summarized using the same data source.

Only data used in calculation of national genetic evaluations are included in these State and national averages. Thus, records beyond fifth lactation or by cows that lacked either a first lactation record or lacked valid sire identification were excluded. For other editing requirements, see complete evaluation documentation.

Lactation records were calculated using the best prediction method starting in 1997 and were standardized for age-parity, calving month, previous days open, and times milked per day. Records shorter than 305 days were extended to 305 days as part of the best prediction process. Prior to 1997 the records were calculated using the test interval method. This change was responsible for a portion of the increases in yields observed between 1996 and 1997 because the current method gives a more favorable prediction for the lower producing cows. Protein testing for records contributing to genetic evaluations is 97 to 100% except in California (89% for Guernseys and Holsteins, and 85% for Red and Whites) and Nevada (75% for Holsteins). Component percentages were computed from averages of standardized yields for milk and components.

Numbers of records and averages for yields and component percentages are in Tables 1 through 7 by State for Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Guernseys, Holsteins, Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and Whites, respectively. Numbers of records and national averages for milk and component yields and component percentages are in Tables 8A-8F by breed for selected years.

Breed yields are different between this report and the herd-average report because this report summarizes standardized lactation yield, whereas the herd-average report is determined from actual herd yields. Records contributing to the herd-average reports are not restricted to those usable for national genetic evaluations. Herd-average report is impacted also by the length of dry period. Relative yields among breeds differ between the two reports because of large breed differences in percentage of usable records and differences in age-parity factors. Also, the herd-average reports tend to be more current (about 6 mo) than the standardized yield reports published at the same time.

Ayrshire calvings were down 3.2% from last year Tables 8A. Calvings for Guernsey and Red and Whites declined also in 2005, dropping 3.5 and 4.4%, respectively from the previous year. Brown Swiss, Holstein, and Jersey calvings were up from last year, increasing by 1.6, 3.3 and 5.7%, respectively.

Milk yield increased for all breeds ranging from 1.8% for Milking Shorthorn to 3.1% for Brown Swiss. Both Holsteins and Jerseys showed an increase of 2.0%. Fat % were unchanged for Guernesy and Red and Whites, showed a 0.01% increase for Brown Swiss, Holstein, and Milking Shorthorn, and a 0.02% increase for Ayrshire and Jerseys. Breed fat yield increased from 2.3 to 3.4%. Protein percentage was lower by 0.01 to 0.02 % for 4 breeds, remained the same for Jersey and Milking Shorthorn, and increased by 0.01 for Red and Whites. Increases in breed average protein yield ranged from 1.9 to 2.8%. While feed availability and operating costs, milk and beef prices, Government programs, and characteristics of herds entering and leaving eligible testing programs can affect production averages in either direction, genetic change continues to have a positive effect on yield. The leveling off of average yields most likely reflects changes in management strategies due to feed availability and somewhat more emphasis on other traits such as health and longevity. For instance, average somatic cell count during 2005 dropped considerably from 2004 (Herd somatic cell count report). Interpretation of trends in lactation averages should be made in view of other changes affecting profitability, and will be impacted by changes in number of records across years as well.

DHI Lactation Averages for Ayrshire  
Table 1. Ayrshire State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2005 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 3 16,719 3.42 572 3.04 509 100
Arkansas 27 18,123 3.99 723 3.11 564 100
California 21 23,577 3.81 898 3.13 737 100
Colorado 3 22,231 3.57 793 3.09 687 100
Connecticut 124 18,979 3.95 749 3.23 614 100
Delaware 2 19,236 4.02 774 3.24 623 100
Florida 3 15,389 3.43 528 3.06 471 100
Illinois 214 18,279 3.71 679 3.12 571 100
Indiana 62 16,550 3.84 636 3.14 520 100
Iowa 532 20,540 3.80 780 3.13 643 100
Kansas 70 16,866 3.62 611 3.19 538 100
Kentucky 62 14,257 3.62 516 3.17 453 100
Louisiana 13 15,664 3.79 594 3.23 506 100
Maine 119 17,078 3.74 639 3.03 517 100
Maryland 329 20,145 3.87 780 3.09 623 100
Massachusetts 28 18,102 4.02 728 3.23 585 100
Michigan 48 19,961 3.88 775 3.12 623 100
Minnesota 165 17,322 3.86 669 3.08 533 100
Missouri 85 16,831 3.92 659 3.18 534 100
Nebraska 69 16,729 3.73 624 3.21 536 100
New Hampshire 141 19,027 3.85 732 3.09 588 100
New Jersey 6 15,443 4.17 644 3.12 482 100
New Mexico 198 14,823 3.79 562 3.11 461 100
New York 1,103 17,915 3.82 685 3.09 553 100
North Carolina 72 13,839 4.18 579 3.10 428 100
Ohio 406 19,081 3.83 731 3.11 594 100
Oklahoma 94 21,831 3.46 756 3.09 676 100
Oregon 37 16,951 3.77 640 3.12 530 100
Pennsylvania 864 18,760 3.87 725 3.13 588 100
Rhode Island 26 16,828 4.00 673 3.19 537 100
South Carolina 8 20,416 3.83 782 3.15 643 100
Tennessee 30 15,382 3.67 565 3.11 479 100
Texas 73 18,847 3.92 738 3.29 620 100
Utah 24 13,741 3.90 536 3.26 448 100
Vermont 365 17,727 3.84 681 3.14 556 100
Virginia 35 17,062 3.63 619 3.10 530 100
Washington 13 18,773 3.60 675 3.23 606 100
West Virginia 28 17,642 3.84 677 3.15 556 100
Wisconsin 487 17,862 3.82 681 3.10 554 100
US 5,989 18,303 3.82 700 3.12 571 100

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DHI Lactation Averages for Brown Swiss  
Table 2. Brown Swiss State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2005 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 6 19,328 3.80 734 3.18 615 100
Arizona 106 22,357 3.86 863 3.20 715 100
Arkansas 120 18,916 3.71 703 3.30 624 100
California 437 21,821 3.92 855 3.32 723 98
Colorado 90 21,899 4.20 920 3.38 740 100
Connecticut 49 20,231 3.88 785 3.27 662 100
Delaware 4 20,771 4.19 871 3.42 710 100
Florida 16 19,768 3.76 743 3.20 633 100
Georgia 79 19,284 3.97 765 3.30 636 100
Idaho 198 21,526 3.97 855 3.41 734 100
Illinois 618 21,910 4.01 879 3.31 724 100
Indiana 486 23,303 4.09 953 3.32 774 100
Iowa 1,460 22,233 4.00 889 3.31 737 100
Kansas 213 22,734 3.80 864 3.34 759 100
Kentucky 133 19,697 3.71 732 3.29 648 100
Louisiana 40 16,374 3.62 593 3.23 529 100
Maine 30 16,203 3.83 621 3.27 529 100
Maryland 366 21,901 4.02 881 3.28 718 100
Massachusetts 115 22,332 3.85 861 3.31 740 100
Michigan 316 24,516 3.97 972 3.27 801 100
Minnesota 1,294 21,432 4.06 870 3.28 703 100
Mississippi 12 17,062 3.83 653 3.16 539 100
Missouri 382 20,629 4.00 826 3.33 686 100
Montana 2 19,025 4.10 781 3.50 667 100
Nebraska 166 21,732 4.00 869 3.29 714 100
Nevada 1 23,445 4.59 1076 3.25 762 100
New Hampshire 114 18,861 4.02 758 3.29 620 100
New Jersey 5 26,809 4.62 1239 3.26 874 100
New Mexico 8 22,205 4.17 926 3.33 739 100
New York 1,001 20,435 4.01 820 3.29 672 100
North Carolina 64 20,239 3.95 799 3.28 664 100
North Dakota 74 18,854 3.91 737 3.34 629 100
Ohio 1,482 21,647 3.96 858 3.30 713 100
Oklahoma 97 18,224 3.70 674 3.31 602 100
Oregon 200 21,975 4.01 882 3.32 740 97
Pennsylvania 1,291 21,214 3.98 845 3.29 698 100
Puerto Rico 45 14,333 3.17 454 3.33 477 100
South Carolina 22 21,758 3.67 798 3.10 675 100
South Dakota 196 19,126 4.39 840 3.41 653 100
Tennessee 256 17,644 4.18 737 3.31 585 100
Texas 455 20,394 3.97 810 3.32 677 100
Utah 83 18,142 4.17 756 3.36 610 100
Vermont 346 20,071 4.15 832 3.37 677 100
Virginia 147 23,268 3.83 891 3.27 761 100
Washington 236 20,645 3.91 807 3.41 705 100
West Virginia 10 16,810 3.98 669 3.30 554 100
Wisconsin 3,158 21,879 4.02 880 3.29 719 100
US 16,029 21,405 4.00 856 3.30 707 >99

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DHI Lactation Averages for Guernsey  
Table 3. Guernsey State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2005 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 1 14,495 3.79 549 3.34 484 100
Arizona 20 18,481 3.86 713 3.20 591 100
Arkansas 7 17,127 4.37 749 3.29 563 100
California 397 18,682 4.33 808 3.34 638 89
Connecticut 52 16,973 4.39 744 3.30 560 100
Delaware 1 18,573 4.51 837 3.19 593 100
Florida 5 18,449 4.14 763 3.10 572 100
Georgia 7 15,721 3.58 564 3.26 513 100
Idaho 22 15,590 4.32 674 3.31 515 100
Illinois 164 17,749 4.38 778 3.16 561 100
Indiana 305 17,389 4.34 755 3.28 571 100
Iowa 558 18,770 4.41 829 3.26 612 100
Kansas 49 16,957 4.59 778 3.38 573 100
Kentucky 17 18,123 4.11 745 3.28 594 100
Louisiana 32 14,402 4.45 641 3.47 500 100
Maine 31 15,370 4.59 706 3.35 515 100
Maryland 328 16,865 4.52 763 3.31 559 100
Massachusetts 12 16,107 4.49 723 3.32 534 100
Michigan 24 15,670 4.06 636 3.10 487 100
Minnesota 377 15,415 4.47 689 3.25 501 100
Missouri 313 16,027 4.34 696 3.31 531 100
Nebraska 75 18,640 4.50 840 3.24 604 100
New Hampshire 9 15,523 4.44 690 3.31 513 100
New Jersey 3 20,285 4.76 966 3.26 660 100
New York 583 16,779 4.49 754 3.24 543 100
North Carolina 45 16,948 4.38 742 3.21 543 100
Ohio 304 17,226 4.48 771 3.33 573 100
Oklahoma 46 16,396 3.86 633 3.24 531 100
Oregon 336 18,425 4.41 812 3.27 602 100
Pennsylvania 710 16,650 4.37 728 3.24 540 100
South Carolina 50 14,943 4.49 671 3.25 485 100
South Dakota 45 12,698 4.47 567 3.23 410 100
Tennessee 98 17,158 4.23 725 3.19 547 100
Texas 116 16,432 4.03 663 3.21 527 100
Utah 2 18,330 4.15 762 3.18 582 100
Vermont 155 15,568 4.49 699 3.28 510 100
Virginia 97 16,262 4.46 726 3.24 527 100
Washington 111 16,364 4.60 753 3.40 556 100
West Virginia 11 15,794 4.67 738 3.53 558 100
Wisconsin 1,730 17,458 4.47 781 3.26 569 100
US 7,248 17,154 4.42 758 3.27 561 99

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DHI Lactation Averages for Holstein  
Table 4. Holstein State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2005 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 929 22,203 3.32 738 2.99 665 100
Arizona 19,492 24,972 3.44 859 2.98 743 100
Arkansas 1,517 22,132 3.48 769 3.01 667 100
California 361561 26,406 3.61 953 3.06 808 89
Colorado 11,874 26,360 3.61 952 3.06 807 >99
Connecticut 6,478 24,664 3.64 898 3.04 749 100
Delaware 2,401 24,816 3.72 924 3.01 746 100
Florida 7,436 24,139 3.61 873 3.00 724 100
Georgia 8,398 23,035 3.55 818 3.00 692 100
Idaho 44,705 26,621 3.62 964 3.05 812 >99
Illinois 24,506 25,394 3.65 928 2.99 759 100
Indiana 16,309 24,959 3.73 931 2.98 744 >99
Iowa 44,247 25,646 3.66 938 3.02 774 >99
Kansas 11,152 24,754 3.67 908 3.04 753 >99
Kentucky 6,815 23,636 3.59 849 3.02 713 100
Louisiana 2,614 20,423 3.50 715 2.98 609 100
Maine 6,038 24,402 3.70 903 3.01 735 100
Maryland 19,818 24,092 3.76 905 3.02 728 >99
Massachusetts 4,875 25,415 3.68 935 3.04 773 100
Michigan 60,251 27,201 3.73 1014 2.95 801 >99
Minnesota 120970 24,929 3.69 919 2.99 745 >99
Mississippi 2,619 23,708 3.59 850 2.92 691 100
Missouri 10,888 22,805 3.60 821 3.03 690 100
Montana 2,415 25,496 3.57 910 2.97 756 100
Nebraska 9,932 24,848 3.63 903 3.02 750 100
Nevada 3,980 26,992 3.53 952 3.09 829 75
New Hampshire 5,814 26,127 3.70 967 3.04 793 100
New Jersey 3,861 24,634 3.72 916 2.99 736 100
New Mexico 13,239 25,466 3.53 898 3.04 774 >99
New York 168797 25,006 3.69 924 3.00 751 >99
North Carolina 11,257 24,454 3.56 870 2.99 731 100
North Dakota 2,645 24,921 3.71 925 3.00 748 100
Ohio 44,310 25,069 3.67 921 3.00 751 >99
Oklahoma 3,824 23,254 3.37 783 3.01 699 100
Oregon 17,468 25,571 3.74 957 3.05 781 >99
Pennsylvania 168976 25,207 3.63 915 3.00 755 >99
Puerto Rico 1,920 14,573 3.22 469 3.08 449 100
Rhode Island 105 25,571 3.64 931 3.04 777 100
South Carolina 4,597 24,188 3.51 849 2.98 720 100
South Dakota 7,470 24,634 3.71 913 3.00 739 100
Tennessee 7,790 23,254 3.65 849 2.96 688 100
Texas 20,469 23,970 3.72 891 3.08 738 100
Utah 13,546 25,959 3.61 936 3.01 783 100
Vermont 25,663 25,287 3.69 933 3.05 771 100
Virginia 32,938 24,589 3.58 879 2.97 731 100
Washington 33,082 26,325 3.66 963 3.03 796 >99
West Virginia 2,733 23,313 3.62 845 3.01 701 100
Wisconsin 246875 26,486 3.68 976 2.98 790 >99
Wyoming 402 28,282 3.69 1044 2.85 807 100
US 1.65E6 25,644 3.65 936 3.01 772 97

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DHI Lactation Averages for Jersey  
Table 5. Jersey State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2005 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 1,743 16,277 4.54 739 3.59 584 100
Arizona 5,859 18,118 4.54 823 3.46 627 100
Arkansas 137 16,244 4.45 722 3.45 561 100
California 41,612 19,254 4.63 892 3.60 694 99
Colorado 274 19,003 4.37 831 3.51 668 >99
Connecticut 440 16,972 4.66 791 3.56 604 100
Delaware 57 20,436 4.83 988 3.37 689 100
Florida 167 16,913 4.39 742 3.44 581 100
Georgia 417 15,259 4.31 657 3.52 537 100
Idaho 3,629 18,123 4.78 866 3.70 671 100
Illinois 1,269 17,040 4.57 779 3.56 607 >99
Indiana 1,131 17,318 4.64 804 3.59 621 100
Iowa 3,180 18,153 4.67 847 3.57 649 100
Kansas 1,114 18,063 4.45 804 3.53 638 100
Kentucky 1,015 15,540 4.40 684 3.54 550 100
Louisiana 304 14,970 4.07 609 3.44 515 100
Maine 615 16,925 4.69 794 3.50 593 100
Maryland 1,014 17,699 4.74 839 3.59 635 100
Massachusetts 701 17,173 4.68 804 3.59 617 100
Michigan 1,083 16,954 4.74 803 3.62 613 100
Minnesota 2,290 16,491 4.64 766 3.53 583 100
Mississippi 538 16,967 4.36 740 3.45 585 100
Missouri 1,538 16,089 4.50 724 3.55 572 100
Montana 5 19,048 4.60 876 3.56 679 100
Nebraska 361 19,889 4.44 884 3.56 709 100
Nevada 333 17,958 4.59 825 3.50 628 100
New Hampshire 513 17,969 4.64 834 3.58 644 100
New Jersey 71 16,552 4.93 816 3.57 591 100
New Mexico 1,298 17,650 4.70 830 3.54 625 >99
New York 5,649 17,742 4.64 823 3.53 626 100
North Carolina 2,237 19,099 4.40 840 3.52 672 100
North Dakota 63 15,922 4.54 723 3.61 575 100
Ohio 6,944 17,817 4.70 838 3.59 640 100
Oklahoma 625 16,986 4.31 732 3.51 596 100
Oregon 7,867 18,215 4.64 845 3.59 653 100
Pennsylvania 6,980 17,175 4.64 797 3.53 606 >99
Puerto Rico 32 12,874 3.32 427 3.56 458 100
Rhode Island 6 18,398 4.58 843 3.61 664 100
South Carolina 2,064 17,818 4.61 821 3.48 621 100
South Dakota 448 17,930 4.88 875 3.54 634 100
Tennessee 2,041 16,773 4.53 760 3.50 586 >99
Texas 5,307 16,151 4.54 733 3.57 576 100
Utah 1,185 18,047 4.49 810 3.59 648 100
Vermont 2,584 16,187 4.67 756 3.58 580 100
Virginia 1,092 17,600 4.48 789 3.53 621 100
Washington 2,268 17,620 4.52 797 3.60 635 100
West Virginia 270 18,787 4.43 832 3.67 690 100
Wisconsin 7,866 18,066 4.67 843 3.55 641 100
US 128236 18,087 4.62 835 3.57 646 >99

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DHI Lactation Averages for Milking Shorthorn  
Table 6. Milking Shorthorn State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2005 With
Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Arizona 238 13,658 3.47 473 3.04 415 100
Arkansas 63 20,665 3.86 797 3.15 651 100
California 173 17,997 3.45 621 3.07 552 99
Colorado 5 21,868 4.24 926 3.38 740 100
Connecticut 7 16,026 3.77 605 3.03 486 100
Idaho 90 19,271 3.50 675 3.11 598 100
Illinois 38 18,089 3.58 648 3.11 563 100
Indiana 39 16,843 3.56 600 2.99 503 100
Iowa 115 17,125 3.60 616 3.00 514 100
Kansas 33 20,162 3.45 695 3.13 631 100
Kentucky 1 24,907 4.04 1005 2.89 721 100
Maine 27 16,977 3.54 601 3.10 526 100
Maryland 20 16,547 3.82 632 3.20 530 100
Massachusetts 9 18,469 3.70 683 3.12 576 100
Michigan 14 17,900 3.56 636 2.99 535 100
Minnesota 347 17,969 3.70 664 3.04 546 100
Missouri 74 17,489 3.65 638 3.05 533 100
Nebraska 15 16,744 3.49 585 3.12 522 100
New Hampshire 67 17,606 3.62 637 3.07 540 100
New York 93 18,921 3.46 655 3.03 574 100
North Carolina 4 18,872 3.88 732 3.27 617 100
Ohio 75 15,562 3.38 526 3.07 478 100
Oklahoma 183 16,468 3.37 554 3.05 502 100
Oregon 48 19,775 3.35 663 3.02 598 100
Pennsylvania 106 19,071 3.64 694 3.05 582 100
Rhode Island 1 16,408 3.87 635 3.24 532 100
South Dakota 106 18,400 3.61 664 3.08 567 100
Texas 243 18,752 3.79 710 3.34 625 100
Utah 43 14,691 3.69 542 3.22 473 100
Vermont 69 15,709 3.61 567 3.07 482 100
Virginia 10 20,640 3.45 712 3.04 627 100
Washington 98 19,710 3.15 621 3.02 595 100
West Virginia 1 21,182 3.81 807 3.10 656 100
Wisconsin 268 17,535 3.70 649 3.07 539 100
US 2,723 17,582 3.58 630 3.09 543 >99

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DHI Lactation Averages for Red & White  
Table 7. Red & White State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2005 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 1 33,478 3.57 1196 2.79 934 100
Arkansas 10 17,961 3.40 610 2.92 525 100
California 209 23,972 3.59 860 3.06 722 85
Colorado 11 21,544 3.33 718 3.01 649 100
Florida 1 24,439 3.90 953 2.87 701 100
Georgia 1 21,184 3.51 744 2.79 590 100
Idaho 19 25,104 3.46 869 3.03 760 100
Illinois 73 24,135 3.70 894 2.94 710 100
Indiana 6 28,758 4.31 1239 3.01 867 100
Iowa 35 25,944 3.73 968 3.03 785 100
Kansas 8 19,888 3.73 741 3.18 633 100
Kentucky 21 24,757 3.87 958 3.10 768 100
Maine 4 22,302 3.33 744 2.77 618 100
Maryland 4 23,589 3.43 810 2.96 697 100
Massachusetts 1 24,111 3.43 826 2.75 662 100
Michigan 234 26,086 3.68 959 2.97 775 100
Minnesota 325 23,365 3.67 856 2.96 691 100
Missouri 3 20,239 3.51 710 2.96 599 100
Nebraska 2 22,358 3.65 817 3.07 687 100
New Hampshire 4 26,393 3.54 934 2.85 752 100
New Mexico 1 21,688 3.48 754 2.90 629 100
New York 318 23,184 3.57 828 2.98 691 100
North Carolina 6 21,318 3.66 780 3.08 656 100
North Dakota 7 23,280 3.00 697 2.94 684 100
Ohio 47 22,091 3.70 817 3.03 669 100
Oklahoma 7 19,434 3.29 639 2.97 576 100
Oregon 12 22,923 3.78 866 2.99 686 100
Pennsylvania 367 23,493 3.72 874 3.03 711 100
Puerto Rico 35 12,686 3.71 471 3.10 393 100
South Carolina 117 27,076 3.52 954 3.06 828 100
South Dakota 1 25,918 3.37 874 3.08 797 100
Texas 6 20,460 3.76 770 3.32 679 100
Vermont 13 20,780 3.82 794 2.99 621 100
Virginia 157 22,949 3.61 828 2.99 687 100
Washington 3 29,224 3.12 910 2.94 859 100
Wisconsin 567 24,125 3.61 871 2.96 713 100
US 2,636 23,815 3.63 865 2.99 711 99

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DHI Lactation Averages Over Time  
Tables 8A-8F. Summary of National Standardized Lactation Averages
for Cows With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Table 8A. Number of Records
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Ayrshire 13,465 11,576 9,526 7,035 6,552 6,755 6,556 6,190 5,989
Brown Swiss 17,236 17,717 17,721 15,704 15,473 15,639 15,779 15,771 16,029
Guernsey 38,364 25,805 15,420 9,406 8,690 8,293 7,880 7,508 7,248
Holstein 1,109,758 1,720,127 1,769,002 1,624,058 1,588,990 1,589,782 1,564,378 1,597,548 1,650,001
Jersey 63,305 99,416 105,672 106,837 108,934 115,472 115,951 121,343 128,236
Milking Shorthorn 2,302 2,684 2,662 2,407 2,323 2,534 2,619 2,619 2,723
Red and White 900 5,588 6,281 3,927 3,578 3,334 3,002 2,756 2,636

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  Table 8B. Milk (lbs)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Ayrshire 13144 14799 15684 17389 17878 17880 17738 17885 18303
Brown Swiss 14172 16250 17493 20300 20694 20869 20715 20757 21405
Guernsey 11666 13297 14051 16043 16410 16398 16469 16692 17154
Holstein 17566 20178 21618 24517 24889 24996 24876 25139 25644
Jersey 11437 13407 14842 17038 17472 17663 17612 17732 18087
Milking Shorthorn 11560 14011 15341 16548 17008 17144 17381 17267 17582
Red and White 16470 18832 20161 22845 22981 23102 22933 23186 23815

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  Table 8C. Fat (%)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Ayrshire 3.88 3.85 3.86 3.86 3.84 3.85 3.84 3.8 3.82
Brown Swiss 4.06 3.98 4.01 4.01 4 4.01 3.99 3.99 4
Guernsey 4.6 4.49 4.49 4.46 4.44 4.45 4.44 4.42 4.42
Holstein 3.61 3.61 3.64 3.64 3.63 3.65 3.65 3.64 3.65
Jersey 4.84 4.73 4.64 4.6 4.59 4.61 4.61 4.6 4.62
Milking Shorthorn 3.69 3.58 3.58 3.59 3.57 3.58 3.57 3.57 3.58
Red and White 3.62 3.67 3.68 3.66 3.65 3.65 3.65 3.63 3.63

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  Table 8D. Fat (lbs)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Ayrshire 510 570 605 671 687 689 681 680 700
Brown Swiss 576 646 701 814 827 837 827 828 856
Guernsey 536 598 630 716 728 730 731 737 758
Holstein 633 729 786 893 904 911 907 915 936
Jersey 553 634 689 784 802 814 812 815 835
Milking Shorthorn 426 502 549 595 608 614 620 616 630
Red and White 596 692 742 837 839 843 837 842 865

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  Table 8E. Protein (%)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Ayrshire 3.16 3.13 3.13 3.12 3.12 3.13 3.13 3.12
Brown Swiss 3.33 3.32 3.31 3.3 3.3 3.31 3.32 3.3
Guernsey 3.3 3.27 3.31 3.29 3.28 3.29 3.29 3.27
Holstein 2.94 2.94 3 3 3 3.01 3.02 3.01
Jersey 3.6 3.56 3.58 3.57 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.57
Milking Shorthorn 3.09 3.07 3.1 3.07 3.08 3.08 3.09 3.09
Red and White 2.95 2.94 2.98 2.97 2.96 2.97 2.98 2.99

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  Table 8F. Protein (lbs)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Ayrshire 468 491 545 558 558 555 560 571
Brown Swiss 541 581 672 683 688 685 688 707
Guernsey 439 460 531 540 538 541 549 561
Holstein 592 636 733 745 749 748 758 772
Jersey 482 529 610 625 628 627 633 646
Milking Shorthorn 433 471 512 522 528 535 533 543
Red and White 555 594 680 683 684 682 692 711

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