K2-13 (2-15)

State and national standardized lactation averages by breed for cows calving in

H.D. Norman and L.M. Walton
Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding
301-525-2006~ ~

Lactation yields are often standardized to provide a reasonably equitable comparison of dairy animals having different lactation characteristics (e.g., calving age, days milked, milking frequency, etc.). This annual report provides averages of standardized yield coming from herds enrolled in Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI). The averages are summarized for cows and heifers that calved during for each state and the nation by breed. It includes a few Mexican herds tested through the U.S. DHI system as well. The test-day data used by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding to calculate the standardized yield were provided by the dairy records processing centers (DRPC); reports showing participation in DHI programs on January 1, 2015 and DRPC activity on January 1, 2015 have been summarized also using the same data source. Only data used in calculation of national genetic evaluations (see complete evaluation documentation) are included in the state and national averages. Thus, records beyond fifth lactation were excluded, as were those from cows that lacked a first-lactation record or had missing sire identification.

Breed yields are different between this report and the herd-average report. This report summarizes standardized lactation yield (yield adjusted to 305 days, twice daily milking, for month of calving, and to a mature-age basis). In contrast, the herd-average report is determined from actual herd yields. Herd-averages reported are not restricted to records usable for national genetic evaluations. The herd-averages are impacted by lactation length and dry period. Relative yields among breeds differ between the two reports because of large breed differences in the percentage of usable records and age-parity factors. The herd-average reports is more current than this standardized yield report and provides a more accurate comparrison of actual breed productivity.

Lactation records were first calculated with the best prediction method in 1997 and are standardized for age-parity (lactation number), calving month, previous days open, and times milked per day. Records shorter than 305 days are extended to 305 days as part of the best prediction process. Prior to 1997, lactation records were calculated with the test-interval method. The change in methods was responsible for a part of the yield increases shown between 1995 and 2000 because predicted yield for low-producing cows is higher using best prediction than using the test-interval method. Numbers of records and averages for yields and component percentages are in Tables 1 through 7 by state for Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Guernseys, Holsteins, Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and Whites, respectively. Component percentages were computed from averages of standardized yields for milk and fat or protein.

Numbers of records and national averages for milk and component yields and component percentages are in Table 8A-F by breed for selected years. Holsteins, Jerseys and Red and Whites had more usable lactations (Table 8A) in 2013 than in 2012. Holstein calvings were up 0.8%; Jersey calvings increased by 10.8%. Compared with 2012, milk yield (Table 8B) increased for 4 of the 7 breeds; Ayrshires by 0.2%, Holsteins by 1.2%, Jerseys by 2.2%, and Red and White by 0.5%. Fat percentage (Table 8C) showed increases from 2012, rising from .02 to .06 in all 7 breeds. Fat yield (Table 8D) in 2013 increased by 4 pounds in Brown Swiss, 5 pounds in Guernsey, 9 pounds in Ayrshires, 11 pounds in Red and Whites, 16 pounds in Holstein, and 25 pounds in Jerseys. Protein percentage (Table 8E) remained the same for Milking Shorthorn and Red and Whites but increased by .01 or .02 percentage units for the remaining 5 breeds. Examining milk components across the last decade clearly reveals success in increasing both fat and protein poercentages. Average protein yield (Table 8F) increased by 1 pound for Ayrshires and Brown Swiss, 5 pounds for Red and Whites, 13 pounds for Holsteins, and 19 pounds for Jersey since 2012.

A number of factors affect production averages including milk, beef, and feed prices, government programs, and characteristics of herds entering and leaving eligible testing programs. These average yields over time also reflect changes in management strategies, and the apparent shift of genetic emphasis toward other health and fitness traits. Still, genetic selection continues to have a positive effect on the milk traits. Interpretation of trends in lactation averages should be made in view of all the factors affecting profitability.

DHI Lactation Averages for Ayrshire  
Table 1. Ayrshire State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2013 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Arizona 2 19,760 2.88 570 2.86 566
Arkansas 10 15,834 3.31 524 3.07 486
California 9 24,465 3.86 944 3.16 774
Colorado 7 19,202 3.82 734 3.08 592
Connecticut 117 20,178 3.96 800 3.19 644
Delaware 2 23,081 3.45 797 3.04 703
Florida 7 14,404 3.51 506 2.91 420
Idaho 3 18,225 3.74 682 3.43 626
Illinois 192 19,900 3.84 764 3.15 627
Indiana 67 18,208 3.93 716 3.20 583
Iowa 504 19,540 3.94 769 3.18 620
Kansas 7 17,889 3.92 701 3.20 572
Kentucky 6 14,461 3.73 539 3.15 455
Louisiana 1 17,464 3.40 593 3.25 567
Maine 109 16,935 3.92 665 3.06 518
Maryland 251 20,302 4.13 838 3.10 629
Massachusetts 27 13,185 3.97 523 3.15 415
Michigan 53 19,967 3.81 761 3.18 634
Minnesota 264 15,722 3.84 604 3.13 492
Missouri 66 15,512 3.88 602 3.17 492
Nebraska 12 19,626 3.93 772 3.16 620
New Hampshire 87 17,801 3.93 700 3.16 562
New Jersey 17 17,456 4.09 715 3.00 524
New Mexico 302 18,496 3.90 721 3.27 606
New York 997 18,777 3.87 727 3.10 583
North Carolina 11 15,739 3.69 581 3.09 486
North Dakota 1 11,450 4.02 460 3.45 395
Ohio 399 18,483 3.84 710 3.18 588
Oklahoma 37 16,766 3.92 656 3.21 538
Oregon 13 17,076 4.59 783 3.39 579
Pennsylvania 697 18,472 3.92 724 3.15 581
Rhode Island 25 16,527 4.01 663 3.12 515
South Carolina 1 17,960 3.42 615 3.12 561
Tennessee 12 18,218 3.85 701 3.17 577
Texas 40 16,924 3.64 616 3.21 543
Utah 18 13,799 4.03 556 3.17 438
Vermont 373 17,439 3.85 671 3.07 536
Virginia 50 16,840 3.77 635 3.13 527
Washington 54 17,345 3.91 678 3.19 553
West Virginia 28 15,325 3.64 558 3.02 462
Wisconsin 681 19,095 3.90 745 3.15 602
United States 5,559 18,478 3.90 720 3.15 581

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DHI Lactation Averages for Brown Swiss  
Table 2. Brown Swiss State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2013 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Alabama 4 18,435 3.84 709 3.12 576
Arizona 137 21,400 3.84 822 3.31 709
Arkansas 11 20,038 3.81 763 3.23 648
California 346 23,383 3.89 909 3.33 779
Colorado 536 24,576 3.90 957 3.43 842
Connecticut 65 19,301 3.82 737 3.21 620
Delaware 4 24,771 3.78 937 3.09 765
Florida 9 19,687 3.65 719 3.07 603
Georgia 97 16,279 4.18 680 3.40 553
Idaho 142 21,212 4.24 899 3.38 716
Illinois 588 20,586 4.07 839 3.37 695
Indiana 578 22,305 4.07 908 3.33 743
Iowa 1,425 21,476 4.07 874 3.35 719
Kansas 79 23,833 3.80 905 3.39 809
Kentucky 134 20,682 3.90 807 3.33 689
Louisiana 2 14,133 3.78 534 3.24 458
Maine 24 16,452 3.88 638 3.19 525
Maryland 179 21,912 4.17 915 3.27 717
Massachusetts 139 21,445 3.80 816 3.20 686
Michigan 175 22,942 4.05 929 3.33 763
Minnesota 1,657 22,551 4.09 921 3.34 754
Mississippi 6 15,120 3.62 547 3.22 487
Missouri 510 18,896 4.21 796 3.38 638
Nebraska 14 22,613 4.13 934 3.32 751
New Hampshire 98 18,736 3.91 733 3.27 612
New Jersey 15 20,039 4.06 813 3.17 635
New Mexico 16 22,816 3.67 837 3.31 756
New York 1,784 21,492 4.04 869 3.29 706
North Carolina 69 20,551 3.98 819 3.25 668
North Dakota 59 16,928 4.32 731 3.45 584
Ohio 1,369 22,217 4.26 947 3.37 749
Oklahoma 18 21,010 3.73 784 3.17 665
Oregon 269 21,712 3.98 863 3.29 714
Pennsylvania 1,377 22,565 3.98 897 3.27 737
South Carolina 11 18,170 3.73 677 3.24 589
South Dakota 45 20,266 4.22 854 3.46 702
Tennessee 179 19,030 3.86 734 3.33 633
Texas 1,084 24,474 3.89 952 3.42 836
Utah 126 21,647 4.03 873 3.42 741
Vermont 364 21,169 4.07 862 3.39 718
Virginia 173 22,184 3.95 877 3.22 713
Washington 337 20,699 4.12 852 3.39 701
West Virginia 26 20,460 3.89 796 3.28 671
Wisconsin 3,717 22,832 4.11 939 3.34 763
United States 17,997 22,130 4.06 898 3.34 739

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DHI Lactation Averages for Guernsey  
Table 3. Guernsey State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2013 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Arizona 5 20,885 3.88 811 2.96 617
California 189 16,363 4.20 688 3.36 549
Colorado 1 15,671 4.58 718 3.35 525
Connecticut 40 15,494 4.54 704 3.28 508
Delaware 2 23,538 4.49 1057 3.16 743
Florida 6 13,173 4.18 551 2.99 395
Illinois 66 17,136 4.32 740 3.28 563
Indiana 139 16,778 4.51 757 3.34 561
Iowa 601 17,629 4.50 793 3.28 578
Kansas 47 17,084 4.64 793 3.33 569
Kentucky 22 21,119 3.67 776 3.15 665
Maine 43 15,638 4.34 678 3.22 504
Maryland 183 17,258 4.53 781 3.23 557
Massachusetts 49 13,672 4.44 607 3.24 443
Michigan 11 13,461 4.13 556 3.20 431
Minnesota 181 16,831 4.53 762 3.29 554
Missouri 239 15,686 4.25 667 3.27 513
Montana 1 28,985 3.74 1083 3.23 935
Nebraska 29 15,810 4.69 742 3.43 542
New Hampshire 13 16,350 4.86 794 3.39 555
New Jersey 2 16,075 4.31 693 3.41 548
New Mexico 4 19,791 3.78 748 3.30 653
New York 520 18,222 4.44 808 3.23 589
North Carolina 8 15,278 4.50 688 3.36 514
North Dakota 2 17,839 4.68 834 3.50 624
Ohio 369 18,004 4.53 816 3.32 597
Oklahoma 10 14,779 4.18 618 3.28 485
Oregon 174 16,282 4.28 697 3.17 515
Pennsylvania 659 17,772 4.41 784 3.25 578
Rhode Island 4 17,482 4.49 786 3.33 582
South Carolina 7 13,797 4.02 555 3.09 426
South Dakota 9 12,989 4.46 579 3.33 433
Tennessee 43 16,277 4.39 715 3.29 535
Texas 155 14,406 4.49 646 3.40 489
Vermont 71 13,426 4.49 603 3.23 434
Virginia 75 16,294 4.65 758 3.33 543
Washington 129 17,532 4.55 797 3.31 581
West Virginia 8 15,164 4.43 672 3.16 480
Wisconsin 1,416 18,454 4.58 846 3.33 614
United States 5,532 17,429 4.48 781 3.29 573

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DHI Lactation Averages for Holstein  
Table 4. Holstein State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2013 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Alabama 383 20,139 3.39 684 2.99 602
Arizona 14,318 24,515 3.36 823 2.97 727
Arkansas 486 20,987 3.49 732 3.02 633
California 456,163 27,526 3.60 992 3.08 847
Colorado 24,335 26,134 3.68 962 3.16 825
Connecticut 7,473 25,905 3.79 982 3.03 785
Delaware 2,405 26,651 3.72 990 2.96 788
Florida 12,035 25,029 3.65 912 2.99 748
Georgia 7,408 23,955 3.61 866 2.97 711
Idaho 117,109 26,518 3.74 991 3.13 830
Illinois 27,459 25,997 3.70 961 3.06 796
Indiana 21,900 25,805 3.76 970 3.08 794
Iowa 59,256 27,013 3.76 1017 3.09 833
Kansas 8,216 25,269 3.75 947 3.10 783
Kentucky 6,864 25,054 3.48 872 2.98 747
Louisiana 1,291 21,525 3.58 771 3.05 656
Maine 7,599 25,393 3.76 954 3.01 763
Maryland 19,843 24,985 3.75 938 2.95 738
Massachusetts 3,147 24,792 3.93 974 3.07 760
Mexico 4,544 24,893 3.48 866 3.21 798
Michigan 95,774 27,148 3.70 1005 3.06 830
Minnesota 152,423 26,188 3.81 998 3.07 804
Mississippi 1,827 23,381 3.83 896 3.00 702
Missouri 9,624 23,328 3.77 880 3.06 713
Montana 2,458 25,319 3.96 1002 2.97 753
Nebraska 12,232 25,858 3.70 957 3.10 801
Nevada 2,790 26,910 3.66 984 3.18 855
New Hampshire 6,047 26,721 3.77 1007 3.04 812
New Jersey 2,155 25,002 3.63 909 2.94 735
New Mexico 31,722 25,873 3.51 909 3.13 810
New York 236,616 26,163 3.84 1005 3.05 797
North Carolina 11,097 26,259 3.78 994 2.95 775
North Dakota 2,167 24,600 3.81 938 3.07 756
Ohio 54,682 25,846 3.75 970 3.05 789
Oklahoma 1,726 22,333 3.61 805 3.06 684
Oregon 18,199 24,923 3.82 951 3.07 766
Pennsylvania 179,774 26,100 3.71 969 3.00 783
Rhode Island 173 26,300 3.78 993 3.03 798
South Carolina 2,701 24,536 3.53 867 2.98 731
South Dakota 17,611 25,897 3.92 1016 3.07 794
Tennessee 4,864 23,651 3.74 884 3.01 713
Texas 23,347 24,996 3.68 919 3.14 786
Utah 12,479 25,064 3.78 946 3.07 770
Vermont 30,159 25,656 3.82 980 3.09 792
Virginia 33,769 25,142 3.64 915 2.98 750
Washington 41,811 25,533 3.85 983 3.12 797
West Virginia 1,469 23,290 3.73 868 2.96 690
Wisconsin 382,683 27,740 3.79 1052 3.06 849
Wyoming 396 25,221 3.47 875 3.06 772
United States 2,175,009 26,639 3.73 993 3.06 816

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DHI Lactation Averages for Jersey  
Table 5. Jersey State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2013 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Alabama 303 15,208 4.43 674 3.49 531
Arizona 10,123 18,408 4.68 862 3.58 660
Arkansas 96 14,455 4.28 619 3.45 498
California 83,487 21,246 4.72 1003 3.63 772
Colorado 97 20,317 4.55 924 3.56 723
Connecticut 533 16,789 4.95 830 3.53 593
Delaware 178 21,034 4.80 1010 3.35 704
Florida 106 14,742 4.07 600 3.23 476
Georgia 157 14,481 4.44 643 3.44 499
Idaho 11,190 19,775 4.74 938 3.53 698
Illinois 2,305 18,277 4.83 882 3.65 668
Indiana 917 17,997 4.71 848 3.60 648
Iowa 9,039 18,281 4.93 901 3.67 671
Kansas 1,101 17,071 4.92 839 3.71 633
Kentucky 1,077 17,128 4.56 780 3.55 608
Louisiana 86 15,281 4.36 666 3.51 537
Maine 993 19,179 4.71 903 3.52 676
Maryland 1,403 17,054 4.74 808 3.49 596
Massachusetts 478 17,134 4.89 838 3.68 631
Michigan 1,279 17,728 4.77 846 3.63 643
Minnesota 3,668 18,857 4.93 929 3.66 691
Mississippi 827 14,195 4.36 619 3.48 494
Missouri 1,345 15,323 4.60 705 3.59 549
Montana 9 18,199 4.51 821 3.67 668
Nebraska 566 19,659 4.60 903 3.63 714
Nevada 437 17,841 4.62 824 3.61 644
New Hampshire 672 17,885 4.86 869 3.60 644
New Jersey 131 15,399 4.83 744 3.61 557
New Mexico 3,386 18,667 4.39 819 3.63 677
New York 6,876 18,569 4.71 875 3.49 647
North Carolina 2,444 18,701 4.50 841 3.44 643
North Dakota 63 15,319 4.65 712 3.67 563
Ohio 9,660 17,742 4.93 876 3.66 649
Oklahoma 428 15,873 4.52 717 3.68 583
Oregon 13,220 18,758 4.88 915 3.66 686
Pennsylvania 9,009 17,780 4.81 854 3.62 643
Rhode Island 35 17,991 4.60 827 3.62 652
South Carolina 1,655 17,925 4.52 809 3.46 621
South Dakota 3,006 20,279 4.87 988 3.62 733
Tennessee 1,698 17,033 4.83 822 3.55 605
Texas 43,046 21,088 4.78 1009 3.66 772
Utah 2,867 18,240 4.73 863 3.64 664
Vermont 2,850 16,547 4.84 801 3.63 600
Virginia 1,546 17,507 4.61 808 3.50 613
Washington 4,491 19,453 4.71 916 3.57 694
West Virginia 403 13,609 4.74 644 3.37 459
Wisconsin 14,564 18,984 4.95 941 3.67 697
United States 253,850 19,793 4.77 944 3.63 718

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DHI Lactation Averages for Milking Shorthorn  
Table 6. Milking Shorthorn State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2013 With
Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Arizona 48 13,928 3.61 503 3.05 425
Arkansas 142 19,605 3.56 698 3.21 630
California 166 21,744 3.47 754 3.07 668
Colorado 8 21,874 3.69 808 3.19 699
Connecticut 4 15,436 3.77 581 3.03 468
Idaho 2 23,446 2.85 668 3.00 704
Illinois 83 18,056 3.64 657 3.11 562
Indiana 85 17,160 3.76 645 3.18 546
Iowa 99 20,285 3.44 698 3.03 614
Kansas 28 21,881 3.66 800 3.13 684
Kentucky 3 20,444 3.58 732 3.04 621
Maine 43 17,180 3.68 631 3.05 524
Maryland 45 19,183 4.16 798 3.11 597
Massachusetts 37 15,779 3.59 567 3.03 477
Michigan 36 19,276 3.73 718 3.08 594
Minnesota 240 19,638 3.76 738 3.13 615
Missouri 108 15,212 3.62 551 3.18 483
Nebraska 3 20,943 3.62 759 3.12 654
New Hampshire 105 18,756 3.74 702 3.07 576
New Jersey 3 10,317 3.92 404 3.15 325
New York 170 18,778 3.66 688 3.06 574
North Dakota 2 17,227 4.87 839 3.44 593
Ohio 145 17,203 3.83 658 3.11 535
Oklahoma 76 15,189 3.62 550 3.10 470
Oregon 6 19,987 4.08 815 3.11 621
Pennsylvania 189 18,811 3.79 713 3.09 581
South Dakota 18 15,614 3.61 564 3.01 470
Tennessee 5 14,116 3.93 555 3.23 455
Texas 379 17,269 3.59 621 3.19 550
Utah 48 14,145 3.91 553 3.20 453
Vermont 71 17,853 3.76 671 3.00 536
Virginia 5 21,518 3.92 843 3.07 660
Washington 322 15,269 3.66 559 3.14 479
West Virginia 1 13,709 3.44 471 3.17 434
Wisconsin 401 17,803 3.81 678 3.09 550
United States 3,126 17,868 3.69 659 3.11 556

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DHI Lactation Averages for Red & White  
Table 7. Red & White State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2013 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb)
Arkansas 2 17,997 3.10 558 2.84 511
California 159 24,972 3.53 881 3.07 766
Colorado 1 20,216 3.42 691 3.20 647
Florida 1 19,676 3.66 721 3.02 594
Georgia 1 16,058 4.10 658 3.06 491
Idaho 2 22,091 4.24 936 3.40 751
Illinois 43 25,991 3.66 951 3.04 791
Indiana 2 22,352 4.25 951 3.14 703
Iowa 59 26,916 3.69 993 3.10 834
Kansas 1 25,159 3.76 945 3.27 823
Kentucky 19 23,275 3.79 882 3.12 725
Maine 5 21,443 3.94 845 2.95 633
Maryland 16 21,906 3.88 850 2.97 651
Massachusetts 10 23,511 3.69 867 3.06 718
Michigan 115 23,510 3.59 845 3.09 726
Minnesota 399 23,220 3.84 891 3.07 712
New Jersey 1 24,455 4.03 985 2.76 674
New York 244 23,866 3.85 918 2.98 711
North Carolina 8 18,712 3.44 644 2.92 547
Ohio 63 17,581 3.95 694 3.17 558
Oregon 7 23,657 4.00 947 3.26 770
Pennsylvania 271 22,458 3.82 859 3.04 683
Texas 44 19,393 3.69 716 3.25 631
Utah 1 22,116 4.01 886 2.97 656
Vermont 8 19,814 3.75 742 3.00 595
Virginia 77 22,057 3.72 820 3.01 665
Washington 14 18,051 3.71 670 3.21 579
Wisconsin 696 25,406 3.70 941 3.05 774
United States 2,269 23,803 3.74 891 3.05 727

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