DHI Participation as of January 1, 2018
DHI Report K-1

DHI Participation 2017  
Table 1. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by test plan

Plan code Plan tag Herds Cows Percentage of DHI cows
00 DHI 382 134,852 3.1
02 DHI-APCS 887 1,056,131 24.1
20 DHIR 300 56,449 1.3
22 DHIR-APCS 235 135,409 3.1
23 DHIR-AP 1,904 343,781 7.8
31 DHI-AP 7,203 2,070,951 47.3
33 DHI-MO 8 7,008 0.2
34 DHI-MO-AP 13 5,114 0.1
40 DHI-OS 540 41,585 0.9
41 DHI-OS-AP 3,130 246,172 5.6
42 DHI-OS-APCS 238 41,597 0.9
43 DHI-OS-MO 19 7,124 0.2
44 DHI-OS-MO-AP 10 2,864 0.1
45 DHI-OS-AC 7 9,433 0.2
70 DHI-SS 16 7,788 0.2
71 DHI-SS-AP 572 166,937 3.8
72 DHI-SS-APCS 53 39,847 0.9
73 DHI-SS-MO 4 3,937 0.1
74 DHI-SS-MO-AP 9 4,016 0.1
  All Plans 15,530 4,380,995 100.0

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DHI Participation 2017  
Table 2. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI test plans as of January 1, 2018, by breed

  Ayrshire Brown Swiss Guernsey Holstein
Test plan Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows
DHI 1 5 1 133 3 75 312 118,393
DHI-APCS 0 0 2 224 3 57 754 802,661
DHIR 8 272 10 400 4 154 203 45,306
DHIR-APCS 0 0 4 235 2 220 172 111,245
DHIR-AP 21 904 81 7,037 38 2,045 1,252 248,123
DHI-AP 25 1,156 33 1,821 19 784 5,932 1,729,093
DHI-MO 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6,549
DHI-MO-AP 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 4,492
Other plans 5 263 7 348 9 278 3,974 479,652
All Plans 60 2,600 138 10,198 78 3,613 12,616 3,545,514


  Jersey Milking Shorthorn Multi-breed1
Test plan Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows
DHI 32 8,730 0 0 33 7,516
DHI-APCS 38 108,763 1 96 89 144,330
DHIR 48 6,117 2 218 25 3,982
DHIR-APCS 36 18,238 0 0 20 5,334
DHIR-AP 224 44,094 15 697 273 40,881
DHI-AP 308 140,788 4 80 879 197,059
DHI-MO 1 203 0 0 1 256
DHI-MO-AP 0 0 0 0 2 622
Other plans 131 11,764 1 101 471 78,894
All Plans 818 338,697 23 1,192 1,793 478,874

1 If no breed has 75% or more of the cows, the herd is designated a multi-breed herd
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DHI Participation 2017  
Table 3. Participation of dairy cows in DHI mastitis screening as of January 1, 2018, by State

State Herds Cows Percentage of DHI cows
Alabama 13 2,480 100
Arizona 16 51,329 98
Arkansas 15 2,673 100
California 620 887,691 100
Colorado 43 75,946 99
Connecticut 65 12,856 100
Delaware 21 3,689 100
Florida 17 24,054 66
Georgia 63 24,027 77
Idaho 116 221,802 97
Illinois 279 48,010 99
Indiana 254 38,490 78
Iowa 510 120,763 100
Kansas 118 28,365 90
Kentucky 234 28,782 97
Louisiana 24 3,534 88
Maine 101 14,853 93
Maryland 220 30,243 98
Massachusetts 56 4,707 96
Michigan 483 187,563 95
Minnesota 1,361 240,847 99
Mississippi 26 4,314 100
Missouri 222 33,001 100
Montana 19 3,363 82
Nebraska 72 32,028 100
Nevada 7 5,459 89
New Hampshire 61 8,454 100
New Jersey 36 3,486 100
New Mexico 15 61,298 99
New York 1,403 348,870 95
North Carolina 94 24,017 98
North Dakota 19 7,389 100
Ohio 640 105,261 97
Oklahoma 46 6,523 100
Oregon 108 42,021 100
Pennsylvania 3,448 327,797 97
Rhode Island 5 293 100
South Carolina 29 6,991 98
South Dakota 71 36,730 97
Tennessee 76 12,744 95
Texas 97 166,074 94
Utah 90 34,885 97
Vermont 268 49,391 96
Virginia 261 50,653 94
Washington 116 66,314 93
West Virginia 23 2,139 100
Wisconsin 3,442 759,911 99
United States 15,323 4,252,110 97

1 If no breed has 75% or more of the cows, the herd is designated a multi-breed herd
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DHI Participation 2017  
Table 4. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by State and test-plan category


  Official Management All Plans  
State Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows Percentage of cow population in DHI
Alabama 10 2,166 3 314 13 2,480 41
Arizona 15 43,993 2 8,241 17 52,234 26
Arkansas 11 2,167 4 506 15 2,673 45
California 599 864,658 22 23,388 621 888,046 51
Colorado 41 74,815 3 1,856 44 76,671 47
Connecticut 64 12,810 1 46 65 12,856 68
Delaware 18 3,589 3 100 21 3,689 74
Florida 17 24,318 16 12,057 33 36,375 29
Georgia 52 20,586 19 10,523 71 31,109 37
Idaho 110 223,741 7 4,625 117 228,366 38
Illinois 239 43,889 41 4,783 280 48,672 52
Indiana 178 39,118 82 10,241 260 49,359 26
Iowa 427 106,149 86 15,092 513 121,241 55
Kansas 96 28,338 24 3,271 120 31,609 21
Kentucky 55 11,401 183 18,416 238 29,817 53
Louisiana 12 1,809 16 2,200 28 4,009 33
Maine 102 15,513 3 492 105 16,005 53
Maryland 187 27,427 35 3,282 222 30,709 65
Massachusetts 50 4,375 8 552 58 4,927 43
Michigan 446 182,877 52 14,024 498 196,901 46
Minnesota 1,149 221,234 218 22,316 1,367 243,550 53
Mississippi 17 3,064 9 1,250 26 4,314 48
Missouri 125 14,590 97 18,411 222 33,001 39
Montana 16 3,664 4 424 20 4,088 31
Nebraska 52 27,397 20 4,631 72 32,028 53
Nevada 8 6,164 0 0 8 6,164 19
New Hampshire 57 8,148 5 323 62 8,471 68
New Jersey 36 3,486 0 0 36 3,486 58
New Mexico 16 62,156 0 0 16 62,156 19
New York 1,158 343,291 277 24,082 1,435 367,373 59
North Carolina 74 18,992 23 5,427 97 24,419 54
North Dakota 12 3,814 7 3,575 19 7,389 48
Ohio 471 78,688 183 30,276 654 108,964 41
Oklahoma 23 3,149 23 3,374 46 6,523 17
Oregon 105 41,413 3 608 108 42,021 34
Pennsylvania 1,822 232,446 1,643 105,922 3,465 338,368 64
Rhode Island 5 293 0 0 5 293 37
South Carolina 28 5,895 3 1,258 31 7,153 48
South Dakota 48 15,185 26 22,750 74 37,935 32
Tennessee 75 12,723 5 649 80 13,372 33
Texas 89 149,907 22 27,639 111 177,546 34
Utah 81 33,493 13 2,620 94 36,113 37
Vermont 212 43,693 62 7,547 274 51,240 40
Virginia 205 45,361 62 8,750 267 54,111 62
Washington 113 63,894 5 7,476 118 71,370 26
West Virginia 22 2,071 1 68 23 2,139 31
Wisconsin 2,184 631,745 1,277 137,915 3,461 769,660 60
United States 10,932 3,809,695 4,598 571,300 15,530 4,380,995 47

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Table 4. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by State and test-plan category


  Official Management All Plans
State Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows
Connecticut 1 93 1 93
Illinois 1 27 1 27
Iowa 2 121 2 121
Kentucky 1 3 1 3
Maine 3 164 3 164
Maryland 2 134 2 134
Massachusetts 1 26 1 26
Michigan 1 5 1 5
Minnesota 1 57 1 57
Missouri 1 123 1 123
New York 9 439 2 80 11 519
Ohio 7 202 7 202
Oregon 1 13 1 13
Pennsylvania 6 406 1 9 7 415
Vermont 4 195 1 51 5 246
Washington 2 86 2 86
West Virginia 1 44 1 44
Wisconsin 12 322 12 322
United States 55 2,337 5 263 60 2,600

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Table 4. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by State and test-plan category

breed=Brown Swiss

  Official Management All Plans
State Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows
California 6 185 6 185
Delaware 1 37 1 37
Georgia 1 172 1 172
Idaho 1 65 1 65
Illinois 6 320 6 320
Indiana 6 688 1 42 7 730
Iowa 10 1,145 10 1,145
Kansas 1 80 1 80
Kentucky 1 44 1 45 2 89
Maine 1 11 1 11
Maryland 5 136 5 136
Massachusetts 2 149 2 149
Minnesota 12 1,334 12 1,334
Missouri 6 693 6 693
Montana 1 110 1 110
New Hampshire 1 50 1 50
New York 11 893 11 893
North Carolina 1 79 1 79
North Dakota 1 34 1 34
Ohio 11 856 1 83 12 939
Oregon 3 102 3 102
Pennsylvania 6 387 6 387
South Dakota 1 48 1 48
Texas 1 6 1 6
Utah 1 67 1 67
Vermont 2 250 2 250
Washington 3 187 3 187
Wisconsin 30 1,789 3 111 33 1,900
United States 131 9,850 7 348 138 10,198

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Table 4. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by State and test-plan category


  Official Management All Plans
State Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows
California 4 146 4 146
Connecticut 1 11 1 11
Illinois 3 104 3 104
Indiana 2 89 2 89
Iowa 4 534 4 534
Kansas 1 53 1 53
Maine 1 18 1 18
Maryland 3 163 3 163
Massachusetts 2 51 2 51
Minnesota 7 188 7 188
Missouri 3 171 3 171
New York 1 115 1 115
Ohio 6 125 6 125
Oregon 1 105 1 105
Pennsylvania 8 314 1 5 9 319
Vermont 2 104 2 104
Virginia 1 44 1 35 2 79
Washington 5 181 5 181
West Virginia 1 34 1 34
Wisconsin 15 836 5 187 20 1,023
United States 69 3,335 9 278 78 3,613

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Table 4. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by State and test-plan category


  Official Management All Plans
State Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows
Alabama 6 1,378 3 314 9 1,692
Arizona 11 35,757 1 7,644 12 43,401
Arkansas 6 860 1 172 7 1,032
California 420 656,642 14 17,222 434 673,864
Colorado 36 64,055 3 1,856 39 65,911
Connecticut 40 11,072 1 46 41 11,118
Delaware 14 3,201 2 76 16 3,277
Florida 15 23,910 9 7,877 24 31,787
Georgia 46 17,636 14 6,610 60 24,246
Idaho 76 162,095 7 4,625 83 166,720
Illinois 194 36,693 38 4,218 232 40,911
Indiana 127 34,850 53 8,317 180 43,167
Iowa 319 80,231 70 11,541 389 91,772
Kansas 68 24,207 16 2,201 84 26,408
Kentucky 36 9,641 161 17,014 197 26,655
Louisiana 9 1,330 14 2,037 23 3,367
Maine 62 11,833 3 492 65 12,325
Maryland 140 22,707 32 3,092 172 25,799
Massachusetts 31 3,383 2 192 33 3,575
Michigan 394 169,257 45 10,536 439 179,793
Minnesota 932 184,645 186 19,366 1,118 204,011
Mississippi 6 1,265 3 329 9 1,594
Missouri 82 10,338 65 10,649 147 20,987
Montana 13 3,118 4 424 17 3,542
Nebraska 39 18,770 12 2,963 51 21,733
Nevada 5 4,502 5 4,502
New Hampshire 40 6,810 3 209 43 7,019
New Jersey 28 3,006 28 3,006
New Mexico 14 53,236 14 53,236
New York 960 319,085 245 22,459 1,205 341,544
North Carolina 47 13,259 13 3,616 60 16,875
North Dakota 9 3,588 5 3,313 14 6,901
Ohio 334 60,014 143 25,643 477 85,657
Oklahoma 10 1,357 19 2,975 29 4,332
Oregon 49 20,097 49 20,097
Pennsylvania 1,546 205,458 1,529 96,554 3,075 302,012
Rhode Island 1 128 1 128
South Carolina 15 3,534 3 1,258 18 4,792
South Dakota 36 12,490 22 16,611 58 29,101
Tennessee 53 10,637 3 330 56 10,967
Texas 62 35,424 13 19,535 75 54,959
Utah 61 23,958 10 2,241 71 26,199
Vermont 132 37,105 32 4,969 164 42,074
Virginia 169 39,130 52 7,391 221 46,521
Washington 68 47,438 4 7,463 72 54,901
West Virginia 14 1,487 14 1,487
Wisconsin 1,867 575,245 1,119 125,272 2,986 700,517
United States 8,642 3,065,862 3,974 479,652 12,616 3,545,514

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Table 4. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by State and test-plan category


  Official Management All Plans
State Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows
Alabama 1 340 1 340
Arizona 2 3,385 2 3,385
Arkansas 1 109 1 105 2 214
California 95 121,206 5 3,048 100 124,254
Connecticut 6 185 6 185
Delaware 1 150 1 150
Florida 1 152 1 152
Georgia 2 448 2 448
Idaho 12 10,211 12 10,211
Illinois 13 3,127 1 157 14 3,284
Indiana 9 681 4 146 13 827
Iowa 21 11,121 21 11,121
Kansas 11 1,512 3 267 14 1,779
Kentucky 11 1,187 2 195 13 1,382
Maine 7 1,490 7 1,490
Maryland 12 1,109 12 1,109
Massachusetts 5 463 5 463
Michigan 7 736 7 736
Minnesota 22 3,860 3 132 25 3,992
Mississippi 6 1,225 6 1,225
Missouri 14 1,662 3 632 17 2,294
Nebraska 2 458 1 39 3 497
Nevada 2 1,121 2 1,121
New Hampshire 8 771 1 6 9 777
New Jersey 5 272 5 272
New Mexico 1 4,831 1 4,831
New York 40 4,308 6 250 46 4,558
North Carolina 10 1,965 4 737 14 2,702
North Dakota 1 56 1 56
Ohio 58 7,663 18 1,331 76 8,994
Oklahoma 7 603 1 75 8 678
Oregon 40 16,875 1 144 41 17,019
Pennsylvania 69 7,132 32 1,421 101 8,553
South Carolina 6 1,121 6 1,121
South Dakota 6 2,112 1 195 7 2,307
Tennessee 12 1,230 12 1,230
Texas 15 85,250 15 85,250
Utah 12 4,779 1 170 13 4,949
Vermont 37 2,339 12 1,238 49 3,577
Virginia 8 1,301 1 96 9 1,397
Washington 15 1,221 1 13 16 1,234
Wisconsin 75 17,222 28 1,311 103 18,533
United States 687 326,933 131 11,764 818 338,697

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Table 4. Dairy cow enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by State and test-plan category

breed=Milking Shorthorn

  Official Management All Plans
State Herds Cows Herds Cows Herds Cows
Arizona 1 184 1 184
Iowa 1 45 1 45
Kansas 1 28 1 28
Maryland 1 76 1 76
Massachusetts 1 38 1 38
Minnesota 2 46 2 46
Missouri 1 115 1 115
New Hampshire 1 96 1 96
New York 1 11 1 11
Ohio 2 51 2 51
Oklahoma 1 59 1 101 2 160
Pennsylvania 1 22 1 22
South Dakota 1 31 1 31
Utah 1 34 1 34
Washington 1 139 1 139
Wisconsin 5 116 5 116
United States 22 1,091 1 101 23 1,192

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DHI Participation 2017  
Table 5. Testing characteristics for cow herds tested between October and December 2017 by State

  Cow Test Days
State Herds Cows Test days/
All milkings weighed
All milkings sampled
>1 Day recorded
3X Milking
Alabama 13 2,339 10.8 88.4 99.6 1.3 0.0 15.3 0.0
Arizona 18 42,089 11.5 88.6 100.0 49.0 7.2 0.0 75.5
Arkansas 16 2,865 10.2 97.7 98.9 0.0 0.0 10.1 2.5
California 634 875,247 11.7 99.6 99.6 29.9 4.3 6.9 22.3
Colorado 39 61,781 11.6 98.9 99.6 59.5 7.2 25.0 90.4
Connecticut 70 13,075 9.6 99.5 94.7 25.6 1.8 18.1 42.2
Delaware 21 3,658 11.4 97.8 86.6 12.3 0.0 43.9 16.6
Florida 37 36,940 11.6 87.9 71.4 50.6 0.0 28.0 50.8
Georgia 74 35,275 10.4 99.0 60.6 26.2 0.5 19.1 47.9
Idaho 125 192,123 11.6 97.7 98.3 73.6 12.7 8.4 64.1
Illinois 285 48,478 10.2 93.2 97.3 22.2 3.9 11.7 40.8
Indiana 255 43,877 9.6 89.9 91.0 30.1 7.4 19.4 51.2
Iowa 530 121,404 10.3 94.3 98.5 29.6 0.7 20.2 53.9
Kansas 124 31,359 10.8 92.2 95.9 12.5 1.6 9.7 59.6
Kentucky 218 29,419 8.9 84.1 96.8 39.6 4.0 32.3 43.4
Louisiana 33 4,528 9.4 100.0 91.1 17.8 0.0 14.9 0.0
Maine 109 15,990 11.6 93.6 96.2 40.8 4.8 6.3 31.3
Maryland 223 31,097 11.1 94.5 96.5 31.8 7.7 23.2 23.4
Massachusetts 57 4,905 10.7 97.2 97.7 9.3 8.8 2.3 6.5
Michigan 516 191,793 10.7 97.1 87.6 22.8 2.2 22.2 59.5
Minnesota 1,408 245,203 11.1 90.6 98.6 19.4 2.3 15.2 44.0
Mississippi 28 4,715 9.7 93.3 96.8 6.6 0.0 5.1 12.4
Missouri 224 33,350 9.9 90.0 99.5 12.4 0.6 9.0 20.5
Montana 19 4,006 9.0 91.2 100.0 71.8 37.0 51.6 42.2
Nebraska 74 32,080 11.2 87.1 94.0 14.2 0.0 16.5 68.2
Nevada 8 5,886 8.9 100.0 100.0 29.3 6.6 9.8 55.8
New Hampshire 65 8,745 10.5 97.4 95.8 17.8 3.8 7.0 14.1
New Jersey 37 3,551 10.4 93.0 92.3 26.5 4.2 21.9 13.3
New Mexico 15 46,307 11.2 100.0 98.4 46.5 10.3 0.0 46.8
New York 1,464 365,871 11.1 94.1 97.0 30.4 2.1 17.6 66.0
North Carolina 97 24,127 11.6 86.3 99.1 43.6 0.0 24.1 53.5
North Dakota 18 7,295 9.9 56.8 95.9 27.7 0.0 31.1 61.6
Ohio 643 108,331 10.6 84.2 96.4 27.7 11.5 12.3 44.7
Oklahoma 46 6,213 9.4 94.3 98.9 5.5 2.1 0.0 9.6
Oregon 112 44,182 10.6 97.9 99.7 33.1 18.9 7.3 19.5
Pennsylvania 3,455 337,229 11.4 70.1 96.7 21.3 2.2 15.6 25.1
Rhode Island 5 294 10.0 100.0 81.4 27.9 0.0 46.4 0.0
South Carolina 31 7,122 10.8 98.5 96.6 31.9 0.0 19.4 4.9
South Dakota 80 37,738 11.0 91.8 98.2 35.2 2.0 18.0 74.7
Tennessee 83 14,291 8.8 96.1 94.8 22.0 0.1 16.7 23.3
Texas 113 105,914 11.0 95.2 78.6 48.3 0.0 2.9 23.6
Utah 95 35,971 9.5 91.7 100.0 76.1 59.8 33.6 57.3
Vermont 283 52,987 10.9 94.3 94.5 19.2 6.3 6.2 49.2
Virginia 283 58,234 10.4 92.9 92.9 34.6 1.1 26.0 37.1
Washington 122 71,239 10.5 92.2 100.0 66.6 16.8 18.7 41.6
West Virginia 25 2,577 11.4 91.8 95.3 27.8 6.9 26.1 15.2
Wisconsin 3,429 749,427 11.4 85.7 98.5 28.0 3.1 17.3 61.8
United States 15,659 4,201,124 11.2 91.5 96.6 31.9 4.6 14.0 45.2

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DHI Participation 2017  
Table 6. Dairy goat enrollment in DHI as of January 1, 2018, by State and test-plan category

  Official Management All Plans
State Herds Does Herds Does Herds Does
Alabama 4 56 1 3 5 59
Arizona 7 101 5 65 12 166
Arkansas 5 54 1 11 6 65
California 59 3,482 18 2,608 77 6,090
Colorado 3 29 4 99 7 128
Connecticut 2 23 1 5 3 28
Delaware 0 0 2 9 2 9
Florida 9 78 9 82 18 160
Georgia 8 71 10 148 18 219
Idaho 15 172 5 394 20 566
Illinois 5 71 7 733 12 804
Indiana 3 99 9 94 12 193
Iowa 7 410 3 474 10 884
Kansas 9 97 1 6 10 103
Kentucky 6 119 3 22 9 141
Louisiana 2 15 2 11 4 26
Maine 12 137 0 0 12 137
Maryland 8 426 5 54 13 480
Massachusetts 5 83 0 0 5 83
Michigan 9 64 5 39 14 103
Minnesota 23 1,475 6 56 29 1,531
Mississippi 3 30 1 5 4 35
Missouri 12 142 6 1,598 18 1,740
Montana 3 18 1 5 4 23
Nebraska 1 3 1 18 2 21
New Hampshire 4 42 1 4 5 46
New Jersey 6 61 2 16 8 77
New Mexico 3 11 1 9 4 20
New York 8 363 7 49 15 412
North Carolina 14 218 6 60 20 278
Ohio 15 159 3 36 18 195
Oklahoma 9 147 4 36 13 183
Oregon 38 773 27 1,505 65 2,278
Pennsylvania 11 449 10 367 21 816
Rhode Island 0 0 1 2 1 2
South Carolina 0 0 1 12 1 12
Tennessee 4 123 4 48 8 171
Texas 13 171 18 243 31 414
Utah 8 249 0 0 8 249
Vermont 4 570 3 566 7 1,136
Virginia 8 81 12 113 20 194
Washington 41 494 19 181 60 675
West Virginia 0 0 4 32 4 32
Wisconsin 25 2,915 20 1,963 45 4,878
Wyoming 10 111 8 59 18 170
United States 441 14,192 257 11,840 698 26,032

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We wish to acknowledge the contribution of the dairy producers who supplied data for this report through their participation in the DHI program and the Dairy Records Processing Centers that processed and relayed the information on to the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB).