
K2-97 (5-99)

State and National Standardized Lactation Averages by Breed for Cows Calving in 1997

R.L. Powell and G.R. Wiggans
Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS-USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350
301-504-8334 (voice) ~ 301-504-8092 (fax) ~ ~

Lactation Averages: Introduction (2000)

This report (formerly National Cooperative Dairy Herd Improvement Program Handbook Fact Sheet K-2) now is prepared annually rather than biennially with data from even-numbered years as in the past. Data for this year's report were from 1997 calvings and included the first full year of owner-sampler records. Also, 1997 was the first year that lactation records were computed by the best prediction method with test-day data. New factors for milking 3 times daily (3X) were initiated, but only one-third of the difference from the old factors was applied for 1997. Yield is not discounted as much with the new factors as with the former factors. Impact on average standardized yields depends on frequency of 3X milking but is not expected to exceed 1% for most state-breed situations.

Lactation data that are used in national genetic evaluations of dairy cattle and in other U.S. Department of Agriculture research originate in herds that are enrolled in the Dairy Herd Improvement program. Test-day records are provided to the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory by dairy records processing centers.

Lactation records were calculated using a best prediction method and were standardized for age-parity, calving month, previous days open, and times milked per day. Records in progress and other records that were shorter than 305 days were extended to 305 days as part of the best prediction process. Component percentages were computed from average standardized yields for milk and components. Protein testing is at or near 100% except in California (80% for Holsteins).

This report includes only data eligible for use in the calculation of national genetic evaluations. Thus, records beyond fifth lactation or by cows that lacked a first lactation record were excluded.

The numbers of records and averages for yields and component percentages are in Tables 1 through 7 by State for Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Guernseys, Holsteins, Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and Whites. The numbers of records and national averages are in Table 8 by breed for selected years.

Breed yields are different between this report and the herd-average report because this report uses standardized data, whereas herd averages are based on rolling actual data. Also, data for cows that calve in 1997 contribute to herd averages for 1997 and 1998. Finally, herd-average data do not have a restriction that they must be usable for national genetic evaluations. Relative yields among breeds will differ between the two reports because of breed differences in percentage of usable records and differences in age-parity factors.

Numbers of records continued the decline of recent years. Average yields were at new highs for all breeds. Component percentages relative to 1990 tended to be similar for fat and lower for protein. Jerseys remained the highest for both component percentages but also showed the largest decline since 1990.

Changes in the numbers of records and average yields result from many factors. Genetic change is expected to have a positive effect on yield, whereas feed availability and other operating costs, milk and beef prices, Government programs, and characteristics of herds entering and leaving eligible testing programs can affect production averages in either direction.

Table 1. Number of records and state and national standardized lactation averages for Ayrshires with records used in national genetic evaluations and calving in 1997.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) % of records (%) (lb)
Alabama 5 12,686 3.34 424 100 3.26 414
Arkansas 10 13,077 3.68 482 100 3.33 436
California 5 19,699 3.38 666 60 3.28 692
Colorado 126 18,057 3.61 652 100 3.31 598
Connecticut 108 17,044 3.99 681 100 3.42 583
Delaware 48 17,527 3.84 674 100 3.37 590
Florida 2 13,507 3.73 504 100 3.18 430
Georgia 33 14,350 3.68 528 100 3.25 466
Idaho 13 15,055 3.90 587 100 3.47 522
Illinois 319 16,698 3.84 641 100 3.32 555
Indiana 197 17,022 3.77 641 100 3.29 559
Iowa 614 16,935 3.91 662 100 3.28 556
Kansas 184 15,869 3.84 609 100 3.28 521
Kentucky 33 13,099 3.82 501 100 3.27 428
Louisiana 6 13,088 3.64 477 100 3.30 432
Maine 173 16,637 3.86 643 100 3.29 547
Maryland 272 18,542 4.01 744 100 3.33 618
Massachusetts 36 15,962 3.92 626 100 3.37 539
Michigan 174 18,087 3.94 712 100 3.41 617
Minnesota 227 14,827 3.94 584 100 3.26 483
Missouri 82 15,997 3.84 614 100 3.32 531
Nebraska 90 14,706 3.90 573 100 3.28 482
New Hampshire 152 17,373 3.85 670 100 3.33 578
New Jersey 36 14,751 4.49 662 100 3.21 473
New Mexico 305 15,974 3.96 632 100 3.22 514
New York 1,306 16,144 3.92 633 100 3.29 531
North Carolina 117 14,346 3.55 509 100 3.29 472
North Dakota 2 19,877 3.51 698 100 3.13 622
Ohio 507 16,617 3.83 636 100 3.32 552
Oklahoma 183 17,777 3.60 639 100 3.23 575
Oregon 99 16,054 3.94 633 100 3.41 547
Pennsylvania 1,000 17,254 3.85 664 100 3.31 571
Rhode Island 40 15,269 3.94 601 100 3.30 504
South Dakota 2 13,530 4.38 592 100 3.28 444
Tennessee 60 13,724 3.77 517 100 3.36 461
Texas 6 15,945 3.71 592 100 3.48 555
Utah 20 13,539 4.12 557 100 3.49 473
Vermont 527 16,510 3.90 643 100 3.32 549
Virginia 172 16,604 3.68 611 100 3.31 550
Washington 62 18,423 3.70 682 100 3.38 623
West Virginia 120 14,304 4.00 571 100 3.29 471
Wisconsin 634 16,604 3.86 642 100 3.31 550
United States 8,107 16,558 3.87 640 100 3.31 547

Table 2. Number of records and state and national standardized lactation averages for Brown Swiss with records used in national genetic evaluations and calving in 1997.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) % of records (%) (lb)
Alabama 22 18,051 3.84 693 100 3.56 643
Arizona 360 20,966 3.77 790 100 3.40 713
Arkansas 88 16,228 3.49 567 100 3.51 570
California 797 18,607 3.97 739 98 3.61 671
Colorado 179 17,714 4.03 715 100 3.47 615
Connecticut 48 18,078 3.82 690 100 3.44 621
Florida 18 16,398 3.91 641 100 3.35 549
Georgia 80 16,731 3.77 631 100 3.48 582
Idaho 228 19,774 3.93 777 100 3.56 704
Illinois 627 18,760 4.03 755 100 3.54 663
Indiana 618 19,387 4.03 781 100 3.58 695
Iowa 1,734 19,416 4.07 790 100 3.49 677
Kansas 206 19,780 3.93 777 100 3.47 686
Kentucky 120 16,398 3.88 637 100 3.54 580
Louisiana 24 13,758 3.87 532 100 3.52 485
Maine 48 14,449 3.76 543 100 3.48 503
Maryland 312 21,177 4.18 886 100 3.47 735
Massachusetts 88 18,884 3.91 739 100 3.55 670
Michigan 260 19,294 4.10 791 100 3.49 674
Minnesota 1,275 17,876 4.05 724 100 3.47 620
Mississippi 14 17,085 3.74 639 100 3.38 578
Missouri 310 17,876 3.92 701 100 3.53 631
Montana 62 15,054 4.05 609 100 3.55 534
Nebraska 369 20,920 3.83 801 100 3.46 723
Nevada 4 21,203 3.72 789 100 3.90 827
New Hampshire 120 15,851 3.97 630 100 3.47 550
New Jersey 31 16,748 4.11 688 100 3.43 574
New Mexico 36 20,858 3.69 769 100 3.36 701
New York 742 18,041 4.10 739 100 3.46 624
North Carolina 78 17,223 3.93 677 100 3.50 602
North Dakota 47 15,463 3.91 604 100 3.54 548
Ohio 1,241 19,528 4.11 802 100 3.54 690
Oklahoma 161 16,535 3.83 633 100 3.50 579
Oregon 317 19,675 4.07 801 100 3.51 690
Pennsylvania 947 19,241 3.96 763 100 3.47 668
Puerto Rico 222 12,734 3.15 401 100 3.42 436
South Dakota 373 16,668 4.10 683 100 3.54 591
Tennessee 247 18,120 3.78 685 100 3.50 635
Texas 511 17,790 3.98 708 100 3.49 621
Utah 35 13,933 4.48 624 100 3.58 499
Vermont 210 19,141 4.06 776 100 3.49 667
Virginia 129 20,564 3.81 784 100 3.41 701
Washington 227 19,137 3.62 692 100 3.52 674
West Virginia 2 14,227 3.93 559 100 3.62 515
Wisconsin 2,592 18,821 4.07 765 100 3.49 657
United States 16,159 18,712 4.00 749 100 3.50 655

Table 3. Number of records and state and national standardized lactation averages for Guernseys with records used in national genetic evaluations and calving in 1997.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) % of records (%) (lb)
Alabama 4 13,945 4.51 629 100 3.59 501
Arizona 74 15,348 4.06 624 100 3.22 494
Arkansas 39 15,020 3.97 596 100 3.50 526
California 462 16,463 4.49 739 89 3.56 595
Connecticut 50 15,021 4.52 680 100 3.48 522
Delaware 1 14,544 4.13 601 100 3.53 513
Florida 4 10,995 4.27 469 100 3.61 397
Georgia 18 12,094 3.97 481 100 3.36 407
Idaho 33 14,733 4.36 642 100 3.59 529
Illinois 438 15,728 4.44 698 100 3.44 542
Indiana 495 14,829 4.42 656 100 3.51 520
Iowa 805 15,267 4.47 683 100 3.48 531
Kansas 71 15,788 4.27 674 100 3.39 535
Kentucky 56 14,335 4.19 600 100 3.40 487
Louisiana 72 13,041 4.27 556 100 3.59 468
Maine 33 13,160 4.47 589 100 3.64 479
Maryland 405 15,754 4.51 711 100 3.46 545
Massachusetts 18 14,888 4.60 685 100 3.40 506
Michigan 185 13,579 4.42 600 100 3.48 472
Minnesota 894 14,129 4.50 635 100 3.43 484
Mississippi 1 11,178 4.24 474 100 3.47 388
Missouri 387 14,338 4.37 626 100 3.52 504
Montana 34 17,676 4.20 742 100 3.56 630
Nebraska 140 16,011 4.53 725 100 3.45 553
New Hampshire 25 18,326 4.27 782 100 3.58 656
New Jersey 40 13,232 4.75 629 100 3.35 444
New York 689 14,575 4.52 658 100 3.47 506
North Carolina 130 15,526 4.50 699 100 3.46 536
Ohio 602 15,404 4.45 686 100 3.50 539
Oklahoma 111 13,195 4.21 556 100 3.45 455
Oregon 434 16,341 4.42 722 100 3.48 569
Pennsylvania 1,254 15,396 4.44 683 100 3.43 528
South Carolina 231 15,287 4.39 671 100 3.47 531
South Dakota 93 13,676 4.47 611 100 3.43 469
Tennessee 63 15,449 4.12 637 100 3.35 517
Texas 99 16,264 4.08 664 100 3.53 573
Utah 6 17,693 4.26 754 100 3.24 573
Vermont 176 15,091 4.47 674 100 3.48 525
Virginia 431 13,648 4.55 621 100 3.55 485
Washington 122 16,404 4.54 744 78 3.59 621
West Virginia 56 13,992 4.40 616 100 3.57 499
Wisconsin 2,565 14,925 4.55 678 100 3.47 518
United States 11,846 15,042 4.47 672 99 3.47 523

Table 4. Number of records and state and national standardized lactation averages for Holsteins with records used in national genetic evaluations and calving in 1997.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) % of records (%) (lb)
Alabama 3,829 19,660 3.49 686 100 3.11 612
Arizona 19,798 22,509 3.45 776 98 3.07 690
Arkansas 2,390 19,752 3.44 680 100 3.13 619
California 312,935 24,302 3.58 870 80 3.17 773
Colorado 12,833 23,939 3.49 836 100 3.13 750
Connecticut 9,604 23,786 3.58 851 100 3.11 740
Delaware 2,809 23,028 3.72 857 100 3.14 724
Florida 5,492 21,521 3.48 749 100 3.10 667
Georgia 10,321 21,238 3.43 729 100 3.11 661
Idaho 19,363 24,367 3.55 864 100 3.20 780
Illinois 29,704 22,229 3.62 806 100 3.15 701
Indiana 22,720 22,136 3.62 800 100 3.14 694
Iowa 46,672 22,358 3.64 815 100 3.14 703
Kansas 17,157 21,650 3.62 785 100 3.15 682
Kentucky 9,755 20,523 3.57 732 100 3.16 649
Louisiana 4,458 18,835 3.45 651 100 3.16 596
Maine 8,034 22,930 3.65 837 100 3.16 725
Maryland 24,783 22,983 3.73 858 100 3.15 724
Massachusetts 7,029 23,364 3.70 865 100 3.16 737
Michigan 67,984 23,518 3.81 895 100 3.14 739
Minnesota 145,425 22,211 3.71 823 100 3.12 693
Mississippi 5,989 20,482 3.56 729 100 3.16 648
Missouri 16,716 20,456 3.59 734 100 3.17 649
Montana 3,624 22,741 3.51 797 100 3.14 714
Nebraska 13,692 22,560 3.64 820 100 3.17 714
Nevada 3,757 23,538 3.51 825 99 3.15 743
New Hampshire 7,306 24,661 3.68 907 100 3.14 775
New Jersey 5,728 22,764 3.69 839 100 3.14 715
New Mexico 9,771 24,070 3.42 823 100 3.12 751
New York 161,479 22,441 3.67 825 100 3.11 698
North Carolina 16,028 22,071 3.59 791 100 3.10 684
North Dakota 3,438 21,026 3.54 744 100 3.13 657
Ohio 50,213 22,696 3.63 823 100 3.15 715
Oklahoma 6,154 21,257 3.36 715 100 3.14 668
Oregon 19,126 24,368 3.59 876 100 3.17 772
Pennsylvania 168,883 23,018 3.57 823 100 3.12 717
Puerto Rico 3,403 13,794 3.06 422 100 3.10 427
Rhode Island 217 23,642 3.61 854 100 3.12 736
South Carolina 6,179 21,436 3.69 792 100 3.13 671
South Dakota 9,088 21,442 3.67 786 100 3.13 671
Tennessee 12,991 21,126 3.55 750 100 3.13 661
Texas 28,830 22,490 3.52 792 100 3.13 703
Utah 16,473 23,243 3.53 820 100 3.13 728
Vermont 25,722 22,997 3.68 847 100 3.14 722
Virginia 39,460 22,392 3.52 788 100 3.11 696
Washington 39,914 24,562 3.56 875 100 3.13 769
West Virginia 4,957 21,275 3.52 749 100 3.17 674
Wisconsin 220,556 23,544 3.68 867 100 3.14 739
Wyoming 178 22,520 3.53 795 100 3.21 722
United States 1,682,967 23,053 3.62 835 96 3.14 722

Table 5. Number of records and state and national standardized lactation averages for Jerseys with records used in national genetic evaluations and calving in 1997.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) % of records (%) (lb)
Alabama 1,864 15,300 4.47 684 100 3.66 560
Arizona 3,854 17,432 4.54 792 100 3.58 625
Arkansas 417 12,763 4.47 571 100 3.72 475
California 19,188 16,911 4.69 793 99 3.81 645
Colorado 90 16,051 4.46 717 100 3.65 586
Connecticut 372 15,283 4.84 739 100 3.72 569
Delaware 24 16,409 4.63 760 100 3.69 606
Florida 398 13,767 4.37 602 100 3.69 507
Georgia 1,244 15,349 4.21 646 100 3.62 556
Idaho 2,811 16,108 4.54 732 100 3.84 619
Illinois 1,128 15,651 4.62 723 100 3.75 587
Indiana 1,285 14,865 4.62 687 100 3.76 559
Iowa 2,660 15,230 4.66 710 100 3.70 564
Kansas 866 14,778 4.53 669 100 3.67 542
Kentucky 1,915 14,462 4.50 651 100 3.70 535
Louisiana 854 13,160 4.39 577 100 3.65 480
Maine 833 15,515 4.73 733 100 3.74 581
Maryland 801 15,880 4.82 765 100 3.76 597
Massachusetts 781 15,233 4.75 724 100 3.76 572
Michigan 2,107 14,668 4.90 718 100 3.78 554
Minnesota 2,301 14,282 4.76 680 100 3.73 533
Mississippi 627 14,275 4.37 624 100 3.68 526
Missouri 1,295 14,679 4.49 659 100 3.71 544
Montana 2 18,685 4.35 813 100 3.52 658
Nebraska 301 16,052 4.41 708 100 3.74 600
Nevada 921 17,485 4.84 846 100 3.75 656
New Hampshire 658 16,501 4.71 777 100 3.77 622
New Jersey 168 14,786 4.70 695 100 3.72 550
New York 5,995 15,370 4.76 732 100 3.74 576
North Carolina 1,666 16,375 4.49 735 100 3.61 591
North Dakota 39 14,188 4.21 597 100 3.66 519
Ohio 6,220 15,823 4.68 741 100 3.74 592
Oklahoma 417 13,715 4.46 612 100 3.72 511
Oregon 5,035 16,909 4.65 785 100 3.75 634
Pennsylvania 6,690 15,286 4.70 718 100 3.72 568
Puerto Rico 125 11,872 4.05 481 99 3.67 435
Rhode Island 14 11,069 4.64 514 100 3.84 425
South Carolina 2,661 16,482 4.50 741 100 3.63 598
South Dakota 220 14,743 4.54 670 100 3.70 545
Tennessee 2,716 15,544 4.53 704 100 3.66 569
Texas 4,710 14,067 4.44 625 100 3.66 515
Utah 1,058 16,438 4.51 741 100 3.72 611
Vermont 3,593 14,845 4.72 700 100 3.73 553
Virginia 1,389 16,803 4.66 782 100 3.70 622
Washington 2,566 16,552 4.60 761 100 3.73 618
West Virginia 241 18,060 4.53 818 100 3.69 666
Wisconsin 5,548 15,132 4.77 722 100 3.77 571
Wyoming 1 17,383 4.30 747 100 3.86 671
United States 100,669 15,785 4.64 732 100 3.73 589

Table 6. Number of records and state and national standardized lactation averages for Milking Shorthorns with records used in national genetic evaluations and calving in 1997.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) % of records (%) (lb)
Alabama 2 13,439 4.03 542 100 3.36 451
Arizona 219 14,316 3.43 491 100 3.23 462
Arkansas 3 15,544 3.40 529 100 3.14 489
California 176 15,053 3.49 526 99 3.20 481
Colorado 4 19,112 3.53 675 100 3.35 640
Connecticut 3 12,298 4.09 503 100 3.39 416
Idaho 85 21,352 3.37 720 100 3.30 704
Illinois 35 17,496 3.52 615 100 3.30 577
Indiana 17 13,103 3.53 463 100 3.36 440
Iowa 124 14,012 3.78 530 100 3.26 457
Kansas 33 20,415 3.50 714 100 3.17 648
Maine 47 16,451 3.53 581 100 3.28 539
Maryland 4 14,055 3.88 546 100 3.19 449
Massachusetts 14 16,645 3.72 619 100 3.29 547
Minnesota 570 16,792 3.78 635 100 3.28 551
Missouri 67 14,661 3.60 528 100 3.34 489
Nebraska 25 15,192 3.66 556 100 3.37 512
New Hampshire 64 16,917 3.76 636 100 3.25 550
New York 53 17,145 3.37 578 100 3.23 554
Ohio 95 14,922 3.53 527 100 3.21 479
Oklahoma 235 14,659 3.38 495 100 3.26 477
Oregon 49 14,907 3.72 554 100 3.29 491
Pennsylvania 48 16,854 3.57 601 100 3.21 540
South Dakota 92 14,751 3.52 519 100 3.22 476
Tennessee 2 12,257 3.52 432 100 3.38 414
Texas 11 16,734 3.24 542 100 3.22 538
Utah 47 14,228 3.85 547 100 3.40 484
Vermont 37 13,233 3.68 487 100 3.14 416
Virginia 15 16,750 3.72 623 100 3.30 553
Washington 32 19,310 3.39 655 100 3.20 617
Wisconsin 252 16,556 3.59 594 100 3.23 535
United States 2,460 15,930 3.59 572 100 3.26 519

Table 7. Number of records and state and national standardized lactation averages for Red and Whites with records used in national genetic evaluations and calving in 1997.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) % of records (%) (lb)
Alabama 1 11,671 3.44 401 100 3.10 362
Arkansas 25 19,828 3.02 598 100 3.15 625
California 592 22,042 3.49 769 96 3.25 714
Colorado 1 20,154 3.34 673 100 3.28 662
Connecticut 10 21,715 3.42 742 100 3.10 674
Delaware 2 19,149 3.72 712 100 3.22 617
Florida 1 22,145 2.74 606 100 3.02 669
Georgia 16 20,093 3.45 694 100 3.03 610
Idaho 44 24,978 3.63 907 100 3.23 806
Illinois 181 20,348 3.62 737 100 3.13 638
Indiana 112 19,883 3.74 743 100 3.16 628
Iowa 115 20,756 3.66 759 100 3.14 652
Kansas 5 19,470 3.40 662 100 3.25 632
Kentucky 49 20,642 3.53 729 100 3.21 663
Louisiana 14 20,032 3.68 737 100 3.20 640
Maine 2 19,907 3.95 786 100 3.23 644
Maryland 65 22,126 3.57 789 100 3.16 699
Massachusetts 8 16,054 3.86 620 100 3.22 517
Michigan 563 21,845 3.99 872 100 3.21 701
Minnesota 400 21,342 3.70 789 100 3.07 656
Mississippi 2 13,719 3.58 492 100 3.16 434
Missouri 37 18,728 3.58 670 100 3.12 584
Nebraska 21 21,767 3.42 745 100 3.07 669
New Hampshire 3 29,688 3.35 994 100 3.06 907
New Jersey 5 16,462 4.56 751 100 3.08 507
New York 451 19,481 3.72 724 100 3.15 614
North Carolina 9 16,112 3.86 621 100 3.17 510
North Dakota 3 19,096 3.40 649 100 3.24 619
Ohio 83 20,722 3.54 733 100 3.14 650
Oklahoma 13 18,607 3.62 674 100 3.14 585
Oregon 32 22,368 3.61 808 100 3.10 694
Pennsylvania 507 20,831 3.61 753 100 3.12 650
Puerto Rico 77 12,708 2.97 377 100 3.13 397
Rhode Island 1 20,760 4.00 831 100 3.25 674
South Carolina 193 24,595 3.72 915 100 3.16 777
Texas 4 19,569 3.64 712 100 3.27 640
Vermont 45 21,178 3.68 779 100 3.07 650
Virginia 243 22,320 3.56 795 100 3.10 693
Washington 17 23,729 3.47 822 100 3.00 712
West Virginia 3 15,874 3.27 519 100 3.05 484
Wisconsin 1,137 22,316 3.63 811 100 3.12 695
United States 5,092 21,407 3.65 782 100 3.15 673

Table 8. Numbers of records and national standardized lactation averages by breed for cows calving in 1970, 1980, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, and 1997 and eligible for use in genetic evaluations.

Breed 1970 1980 1990 1992 1994 1996 1997

Records (no.)

Ayrshire 12,717 13,460 12,016 11,259 10,288 8,804 8,107
Brown Swiss 13,759 17,232 18,544 19,088 18,304 16,997 16,159
Guernsey 56,797 38,353 26,396 22,186 17,329 13,475 11,846
Holstein 588,241 1,108,700 1,760,914 1,828,342 1,813,620 1,719,516 1,682,967
Jersey 51,367 63,280 104,495 109,746 109,503 102,492 100,669
Milking Shorthorn 1,561 2,318 2,773 2,665 2,768 2,516 2,460
Red and White . . . 896 5,741 6,745 6,916 5,689 5,092

Milk (lb)

Ayrshire 11,971 13,145 14,766 15,306 15,692 15,658 16,558
Brown Swiss 12,866 14,173 16,634 16,729 17,448 17,830 18,712
Guernsey 10,426 11,666 13,289 13,839 14,206 14,178 15,042
Holstein 15,281 17,567 20,172 20,957 21,699 21,962 23,053
Jersey 9,619 11,437 13,375 13,973 14,744 15,097 15,785
Milking Shorthorn 10,391 11,560 14,030 14,858 15,309 15,467 15,930
Red and White . . . 16,455 18,808 19,684 20,916 20,295 21,407

Fat (%)

Ayrshire 3.93 3.88 3.85 3.88 3.85 3.86 3.87
Brown Swiss 4.08 4.06 3.98 3.99 3.98 4.01 4.00
Guernsey 4.68 4.60 4.49 4.50 4.48 4.48 4.47
Holstein 3.65 3.61 3.61 3.64 3.62 3.63 3.62
Jersey 5.06 4.84 4.72 4.71 4.66 4.64 4.64
Milking Shorthorn 3.70 3.69 3.58 3.59 3.57 3.58 3.59
Red and White . . . 3.62 3.67 3.68 3.68 3.69 3.65

Fat (lb)

Ayrshire 470 510 569 594 605 605 640
Brown Swiss 525 576 645 668 695 715 749
Guernsey 488 536 597 623 636 635 672
Holstein 559 633 729 762 784 798 835
Jersey 487 553 632 658 687 700 732
Milking Shorthorn 384 426 503 533 546 554 572
Red and White . . . 596 691 725 749 749 782

Protein (%)

Ayrshire . . . . . . 3.35 3.34 3.33 3.32 3.31
Brown Swiss . . . . . . 3.52 3.52 3.51 3.51 3.50
Guernsey . . . . . . 3.49 3.48 3.47 3.48 3.47
Holstein . . . . . . 3.13 3.13 3.14 3.13 3.14
Jersey . . . . . . 3.78 3.77 3.76 3.75 3.73
Milking Shorthorn . . . . . . 3.28 3.29 3.29 3.25 3.26
Red and White . . . . . . 3.14 3.12 3.15 3.13 3.15

Protein (lb)

Ayrshire . . . . . . 495 511 523 520 547
Brown Swiss . . . . . . 571 588 613 626 655
Guernsey . . . . . . 464 482 493 493 523
Holstein . . . . . . 630 655 679 687 722
Jersey . . . . . . 506 528 554 566 589
Milking Shorthorn . . . . . . 460 488 504 503 519
Red and White . . . . . . 590 614 641 637 673