Prepared by staff of USDA/CDCB
Revision of low density chip
The July evaluation includes genotypes from version 3 of the GeneSeek Genomic Profiler (GP3). The chip contains a total of 26,151 markers and 13,218 that are used in the evaluation, compared to 19,808 markers total and 8,422 markers used from version 2 (GP2). Version 3 improves imputation accuracy especially for animals with missing pedigrees or nongenotyped ancestors. The chip number will be 14 when the GP3 is included in formats 38 and 105 in August.
Genotypes from Interbull for young Brown Swiss bulls
Interbull has distributed the genotypes of >5,000 young Brown Swiss bulls in addition to those of older bulls that have daughter evaluations which have been exchanged since August 2012. The resulting young bull genomic evaluations will be in the BS_young_Pub csv and xml files. The nominator is Interbull, and the Brown Swiss evaluations should be labeled as a product of Intergenomics, which provides the exchange service.