K2-10 (2-12)

State and national standardized lactation averages by breed for cows calving in

H.D. Norman, T.A. Cooper, and F.A. Ross, Jr.
Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350
301-504-8334 (voice) ~ 301-504-8092 (fax) ~ ~

Lactation yields are often standardized to provide a reasonably equitable comparison of dairy cows with different lactation characteristics (e.g., calving age, days milked, milking frequency, etc.). This report provides averages of standardized yield for calvings during for each State (excluding Alaska and Hawaii but including Puerto Rico and Mexico) and the nation by breed. The data originated from herds enrolled in Dairy Herd Improvement programs. A few large Mexican herds tested through the U.S. system were included for the second year. The test-day data used by the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory to calculate the standardized lactation records were provided by the dairy records processing centers; participation in Dairy Herd Improvement programs and dairy records processing center activity also have been summarized using the same data source.

Only data used in calculation of national genetic evaluations are included in the State and national averages. Thus, records beyond fifth lactation or by cows that lacked either a first-lactation record or valid sire identification were excluded. For other editing requirements that excluded data, see complete evaluation documentation.

Breed yields are different between this report and the herd-average report because this report summarizes standardized lactation yield (yield adjusted to 305 days and twice daily milking and for month of calving in addition to standardization to a mature-age basis). In contrast, the herd-average report is determined from actual herd yields. Herd-averages derived are not restricted to records usable for national genetic evaluations. Herd-averages are impacted by lactation length and dry period. Relative yields among breeds differ between the two reports because of large breed differences in the percentage of usable records and age-parity factors. Herd-average reports tend to be more current (by about 6 months) than standardized yield reports released at the same time.

Lactation records began to be calculated with the best prediction method in 1997 and are standardized for age-parity (lactation number), calving month, previous days open, and times milked per day. Records shorter than 305 days are extended to 305 days as part of the best prediction process. Prior to 1997, lactation records were calculated with the test-interval method. The change in how lactation records were calculated was responsible for some of the yield increases between 1995 and 2000 because predicted yield for low-producing cows is higher with best prediction than with the test-interval method. Numbers of records and averages for yields and component percentages are in Tables 1 through 7 by State for Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Guernseys, Holsteins, Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and Whites, respectively. Component percentages were computed from averages of standardized yields for milk and components.

Numbers of records and national averages for milk and component yields and component percentages are in Table 8A-F by breed for selected years. Brown Swiss, Holsteins, Jerseys and Red and White had more usable lactations (Table 8A) in 2010 than in 2009. Holstein calvings were up 4.4%; Jersey calvings increased by 9.9%. Compared with 2009, milk yield (Table 8B) increased for all 7 breeds. Ayrshires by 0.2%, Brown Swiss by 0.6%, Guernseys by 0.5%, Holsteins by 0.5%, Jerseys by 1.4%, Milking Shorthorn by 3.0%, and Red and White by 1.3%. Fat percentage (Table 8C) in 2010 showed a few changes from 2009 but represented their historic averages well. The exception was the increase from 4.62% to 4.69% for Jerseys, probably reflecting recent increase in use of bulls with Danish genetics. Fat yield (Table 8D) in 2010 increased by 2 pounds in Ayrshire and Brown Swiss, 7 pounds for Gurnsey, and 9 pounds for Holstein, but was higher by a surprising 19 to 23 pounds for Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and White. Protein percentage (Table 8E) changed by no more than 0.01 percentage units for any breed between 2009 and 2010. Since 2009, average protein yield (Table 8F) increased by 2 pounds for Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, and Guernseys and by 6 to 17 pounds for Holsteins, Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and Whites.

Although milk and beef prices, feed availability and operating expenses, Government programs, and characteristics of herds entering and leaving eligible testing programs can affect production averages, genetic change continues to have a positive effect on yield. Average yields across time reflects changes in management strategies and increasing genetic emphasis on other traits such as health and longevity. Interpretation of trends in lactation averages should be made in view of other changes affecting profitability and will be impacted by changes in number of records across years as well.

DHI Lactation Averages for Ayrshire  
Table 1. Ayrshire State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 2 12,276 3.96 486 3.12 383 100
Arkansas 31 15,832 3.57 565 3.24 513 100
California 16 22,519 3.90 879 3.15 709 100
Colorado 9 19,318 3.67 710 3.04 588 100
Connecticut 126 19,091 3.86 737 3.13 598 100
Delaware 2 17,169 3.80 652 3.25 559 100
Florida 4 18,191 3.53 642 2.83 514 100
Idaho 1 17,659 3.57 630 3.19 563 100
Illinois 199 18,390 3.88 714 3.18 585 100
Indiana 68 16,471 3.83 630 3.16 521 100
Iowa 593 19,665 3.81 750 3.15 619 100
Kansas 25 17,625 3.50 616 3.21 565 100
Kentucky 4 21,311 3.14 668 3.14 668 100
Louisiana 7 15,611 3.64 569 3.12 486 100
Maine 100 16,400 3.88 636 3.06 501 100
Maryland 340 18,861 4.06 766 3.13 591 100
Massachusetts 37 12,982 3.88 504 3.09 402 100
Michigan 54 18,555 3.89 723 3.10 575 100
Minnesota 214 17,042 3.81 649 3.11 530 100
Missouri 89 15,750 3.82 601 3.16 498 100
Nebraska 1 29,176 3.05 889 3.08 899 100
New Hampshire 122 18,247 3.89 710 3.20 584 100
New Jersey 23 18,747 3.82 717 3.14 588 100
New Mexico 260 18,433 4.13 760 3.25 599 100
New York 1,088 18,214 3.84 699 3.12 568 100
North Carolina 33 18,190 3.69 671 3.09 563 100
North Dakota 1 20,226 3.67 742 3.26 659 100
Ohio 465 18,197 3.83 697 3.15 574 100
Oklahoma 52 19,723 3.59 707 3.18 627 100
Oregon 39 18,239 3.65 666 3.12 569 100
Pennsylvania 766 18,826 3.83 720 3.13 589 100
Rhode Island 24 16,936 3.98 675 3.14 532 100
South Carolina 5 15,182 3.97 602 3.06 464 100
South Dakota 1 13,049 4.20 548 3.23 422 100
Tennessee 13 17,775 3.56 633 3.06 544 100
Texas 45 17,754 3.76 668 3.14 557 100
Utah 11 12,145 4.38 532 3.26 396 100
Vermont 403 16,850 3.87 653 3.11 523 100
Virginia 38 16,104 3.79 610 3.10 500 100
Washington 55 19,289 4.04 779 3.19 616 100
West Virginia 38 15,810 3.66 578 3.27 518 100
Wisconsin 641 18,680 3.80 709 3.11 580 100
US 6,045 18,275 3.85 704 3.14 573 100

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DHI Lactation Averages for Brown Swiss  
Table 2. Brown Swiss State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 7 16,444 3.64 598 3.11 512 100
Arizona 115 21,305 3.87 824 3.33 708 100
Arkansas 18 19,072 3.74 713 3.14 599 100
California 379 22,467 3.84 862 3.28 737 100
Colorado 419 22,359 3.60 805 3.21 717 100
Connecticut 65 18,721 3.91 731 3.24 607 100
Delaware 7 24,829 3.67 911 3.30 818 100
Florida 5 20,963 3.36 705 2.99 626 100
Georgia 121 17,958 3.91 702 3.25 584 100
Idaho 190 21,400 3.82 817 3.32 710 100
Illinois 539 20,905 4.05 847 3.36 702 100
Indiana 577 22,572 3.98 898 3.29 743 100
Iowa 1,506 21,641 4.02 869 3.34 722 100
Kansas 152 22,501 3.74 842 3.34 751 100
Kentucky 105 20,629 3.83 791 3.25 671 100
Louisiana 27 15,336 2.93 450 3.17 487 100
Maine 27 16,679 3.96 661 3.26 543 100
Maryland 263 21,249 4.00 849 3.36 713 100
Massachusetts 112 21,876 3.89 851 3.28 718 100
Michigan 299 22,911 4.00 917 3.28 752 100
Minnesota 1,810 23,372 3.99 933 3.26 761 100
Mississippi 4 16,426 3.98 653 3.37 553 100
Missouri 463 18,773 4.21 790 3.40 638 100
Nebraska 43 20,843 3.95 823 3.38 705 100
New Hampshire 83 19,293 4.04 780 3.24 625 100
New Jersey 15 21,980 4.24 931 3.21 705 100
New Mexico 8 22,669 3.60 816 3.16 716 100
New York 1,632 21,370 3.99 854 3.28 701 100
North Carolina 76 20,897 3.94 822 3.24 678 100
North Dakota 40 17,122 4.19 718 3.42 586 100
Ohio 1,528 21,613 3.98 861 3.32 718 100
Oklahoma 36 16,842 3.74 630 3.23 544 100
Oregon 290 21,917 3.88 851 3.29 722 100
Pennsylvania 1,358 22,249 3.96 882 3.26 725 100
Puerto Rico 16 14,821 3.12 462 3.22 478 100
South Carolina 9 18,502 3.91 723 3.23 597 100
South Dakota 79 22,403 4.31 965 3.32 744 100
Tennessee 188 18,145 3.49 633 3.31 601 100
Texas 614 23,369 3.76 879 3.33 778 100
Utah 81 22,310 4.08 911 3.44 768 100
Vermont 416 20,245 4.24 859 3.36 681 100
Virginia 195 23,007 3.92 902 3.28 754 100
Washington 332 21,591 3.98 860 3.39 731 100
West Virginia 12 20,263 4.13 836 3.37 682 100
Wisconsin 3,808 22,244 4.00 889 3.26 725 100
US 18,069 21,857 3.97 867 3.29 719 100

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DHI Lactation Averages for Guernsey  
Table 3. Guernsey State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Arizona 5 20,869 4.04 843 2.89 603 100
Arkansas 2 12,536 4.38 549 3.46 434 100
California 280 18,322 4.31 790 3.40 622 100
Colorado 1 21,006 3.03 636 3.68 772 100
Connecticut 37 16,387 4.31 707 3.19 523 100
Florida 3 15,439 3.94 609 2.88 445 100
Idaho 5 15,444 4.20 649 3.24 500 100
Illinois 103 16,548 4.20 694 3.15 522 100
Indiana 218 16,744 4.34 727 3.23 541 100
Iowa 527 18,483 4.46 825 3.26 603 100
Kansas 54 16,953 4.30 729 3.24 550 100
Kentucky 38 20,549 3.81 782 3.19 656 100
Louisiana 3 18,367 3.82 701 3.05 561 100
Maine 37 14,039 4.73 664 3.27 459 100
Maryland 202 16,742 4.54 760 3.35 561 100
Massachusetts 28 14,609 4.52 661 3.19 466 100
Michigan 7 12,489 4.33 541 3.37 421 100
Minnesota 253 16,668 4.40 734 3.23 539 100
Missouri 287 15,475 4.37 676 3.27 505 100
Montana 5 23,295 3.86 898 3.16 736 100
Nebraska 29 15,473 4.58 709 3.33 516 100
New Hampshire 10 16,455 4.69 771 3.36 552 100
New Jersey 3 14,384 4.62 665 3.32 478 100
New Mexico 4 18,600 4.32 803 3.27 609 100
New York 527 17,748 4.36 774 3.18 564 100
North Carolina 15 17,009 4.29 730 3.28 558 100
North Dakota 1 18,225 4.97 905 3.27 596 100
Ohio 331 16,847 4.37 737 3.30 556 100
Oklahoma 38 15,887 4.23 671 3.27 519 100
Oregon 195 17,182 4.19 720 3.24 557 100
Pennsylvania 742 17,209 4.37 753 3.23 556 100
Rhode Island 8 16,148 4.66 753 3.23 522 100
South Carolina 20 13,460 4.05 546 3.16 426 100
South Dakota 16 12,504 4.13 517 3.20 400 100
Tennessee 53 16,861 4.24 716 3.31 559 100
Texas 122 12,735 3.94 501 3.08 392 100
Vermont 95 14,699 4.64 682 3.30 486 100
Virginia 101 15,090 4.61 696 3.34 505 100
Washington 113 17,322 4.46 772 3.32 575 100
West Virginia 7 15,905 4.49 715 3.41 542 100
Wisconsin 1,619 18,458 4.59 847 3.26 601 100
US 6,144 17,351 4.43 769 3.26 565 100

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DHI Lactation Averages for Holstein  
Table 4. Holstein State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 597 19,433 3.42 664 3.03 588 100
Arizona 16,458 23,765 3.54 841 2.99 710 100
Arkansas 914 20,402 3.51 715 3.04 621 100
California 456,060 26,369 3.57 943 3.06 808 100
Colorado 17,182 26,311 3.59 946 3.11 819 100
Connecticut 7,230 25,003 3.81 954 3.04 760 100
Delaware 2,211 24,605 3.69 907 3.02 743 100
Florida 9,201 23,154 3.74 865 2.92 676 100
Georgia 7,964 23,062 3.60 829 2.97 686 100
Idaho 89,638 25,719 3.61 927 3.08 792 100
Illinois 26,275 25,088 3.63 911 3.02 759 100
Indiana 20,174 24,479 3.71 908 3.04 743 100
Iowa 56,257 26,088 3.61 941 3.02 789 100
Kansas 9,083 24,408 3.65 890 3.10 756 100
Kentucky 7,208 23,165 3.57 826 3.04 705 100
Louisiana 1,553 21,225 3.52 747 3.02 640 100
Maine 6,857 24,518 3.74 917 3.02 740 100
Maryland 19,443 24,367 3.74 912 3.03 739 100
Massachusetts 3,679 24,445 3.77 921 3.03 741 100
Mexico 1,563 26,137 3.09 809 3.04 795 100
Michigan 75,799 26,160 3.68 962 3.01 787 100
Minnesota 148,265 25,443 3.67 933 3.01 765 100
Mississippi 1,823 23,191 3.65 847 3.02 701 100
Missouri 9,517 22,208 3.65 810 3.04 674 100
Montana 2,376 25,668 3.65 938 2.95 756 100
Nebraska 11,095 24,598 3.64 895 3.06 753 100
Nevada 3,913 27,867 3.63 1012 3.07 856 100
New Hampshire 6,484 26,296 3.76 988 3.05 803 100
New Jersey 2,538 24,503 3.77 923 2.99 732 100
New Mexico 28,748 25,121 3.52 885 3.07 771 100
New York 209,744 25,501 3.74 954 3.04 775 100
North Carolina 10,825 24,640 3.75 924 2.96 728 100
North Dakota 2,606 23,842 3.65 871 3.07 731 100
Ohio 50,659 25,148 3.68 926 3.02 760 100
Oklahoma 2,246 21,893 3.46 756 3.05 668 100
Oregon 18,287 24,463 3.74 914 3.06 748 100
Pennsylvania 179,233 25,537 3.66 935 3.00 766 100
Puerto Rico 484 13,782 2.96 407 2.88 398 100
Rhode Island 56 23,318 3.64 850 2.97 694 100
South Carolina 3,200 24,224 3.64 882 3.02 731 100
South Dakota 14,420 24,412 3.69 900 3.05 746 100
Tennessee 6,347 22,824 3.78 863 2.98 680 100
Texas 21,527 24,106 3.74 903 3.12 752 100
Utah 13,696 24,446 3.71 906 3.05 747 100
Vermont 27,697 25,075 3.84 963 3.08 773 100
Virginia 32,668 24,684 3.67 906 2.99 739 100
Washington 36,721 25,598 3.67 939 3.07 785 100
West Virginia 1,700 22,591 3.72 840 3.02 681 100
Wisconsin 338,179 26,736 3.68 984 2.99 799 100
Wyoming 421 25,262 3.51 887 2.99 755 100
US 2,020,821 25,757 3.65 941 3.03 781 100

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DHI Lactation Averages for Jersey  
Table 5. Jersey State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Alabama 1,188 14,608 4.56 666 3.63 530 100
Arizona 5,781 17,365 4.62 803 3.54 615 100
Arkansas 82 13,224 4.19 554 3.49 461 100
California 60,733 19,804 4.70 931 3.64 720 100
Colorado 374 18,406 4.59 845 3.66 674 100
Connecticut 604 17,237 4.68 807 3.53 609 100
Delaware 152 19,861 4.80 954 3.51 697 100
Florida 56 17,502 3.85 674 2.93 513 100
Georgia 306 14,014 4.39 615 3.42 479 100
Idaho 7,219 18,865 4.70 887 3.62 682 100
Illinois 1,615 17,337 4.70 814 3.65 632 100
Indiana 1,268 17,071 4.68 799 3.54 603 100
Iowa 6,377 18,475 4.73 873 3.60 665 100
Kansas 1,199 18,135 4.71 855 3.65 662 100
Kentucky 992 16,153 4.48 723 3.56 574 100
Louisiana 96 15,074 4.21 635 3.47 524 100
Maine 777 17,352 4.72 819 3.49 605 100
Maryland 1,076 16,409 4.81 789 3.63 596 100
Massachusetts 593 17,022 4.75 809 3.59 611 100
Michigan 1,238 16,823 4.75 798 3.57 601 100
Minnesota 3,431 17,862 4.60 822 3.53 631 100
Mississippi 680 16,361 4.45 727 3.50 572 100
Missouri 1,445 15,201 4.54 690 3.59 546 100
Montana 10 13,305 4.47 594 3.56 474 100
Nebraska 622 20,067 4.59 920 3.59 720 100
Nevada 392 16,761 4.75 797 3.62 606 100
New Hampshire 620 17,753 4.80 851 3.59 637 100
New Jersey 92 16,590 5.14 853 3.51 583 100
New Mexico 4,106 17,949 4.40 790 3.55 638 100
New York 6,220 18,342 4.65 852 3.50 641 100
North Carolina 2,228 18,319 4.45 815 3.47 635 100
North Dakota 82 14,795 4.59 679 3.71 549 100
Ohio 8,344 17,724 4.81 853 3.63 643 100
Oklahoma 713 15,904 4.39 697 3.57 568 100
Oregon 11,226 18,392 4.76 875 3.67 674 100
Pennsylvania 8,696 17,262 4.75 820 3.60 621 100
Puerto Rico 18 12,864 3.29 423 3.20 411 100
Rhode Island 25 17,312 4.45 770 3.63 628 100
South Carolina 2,272 18,169 4.59 834 3.52 639 100
South Dakota 1,156 17,767 4.36 775 3.54 629 100
Tennessee 1,685 16,944 4.79 812 3.52 597 100
Texas 14,644 19,070 4.57 871 3.57 681 100
Utah 1,957 16,567 4.86 804 3.67 608 100
Vermont 2,910 16,287 4.82 785 3.60 586 100
Virginia 1,218 18,106 4.52 817 3.47 628 100
Washington 2,881 17,504 4.69 822 3.60 630 100
West Virginia 384 14,179 4.62 655 3.58 508 100
Wisconsin 12,354 18,580 4.77 887 3.59 667 100
US 182,137 18,565 4.69 870 3.60 669 100

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DHI Lactation Averages for Milking Shorthorn  
Table 6. Milking Shorthorn State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With
Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Arizona 78 13,169 3.60 475 2.97 391 100
Arkansas 103 19,372 3.65 707 3.15 610 100
California 256 20,427 3.45 705 3.07 627 100
Colorado 19 22,322 3.57 796 3.15 704 100
Connecticut 8 17,870 3.66 654 3.03 541 100
Idaho 22 18,036 3.47 627 3.08 556 100
Illinois 51 18,365 3.57 656 3.12 573 100
Indiana 80 19,459 3.72 723 3.13 608 100
Iowa 115 19,223 3.54 680 3.07 590 100
Kansas 18 20,592 3.35 691 3.05 628 100
Kentucky 2 24,100 3.03 730 3.01 725 100
Maine 32 19,671 3.60 708 3.01 592 100
Maryland 40 18,949 3.82 723 3.07 582 100
Massachusetts 25 15,894 3.74 595 3.07 488 100
Michigan 25 18,051 3.80 687 3.14 567 100
Minnesota 227 18,175 3.55 646 3.01 547 100
Missouri 82 17,034 3.64 620 3.16 538 100
New Hampshire 91 18,591 3.82 710 3.10 576 100
New Jersey 1 14,067 3.96 557 3.38 475 100
New York 148 18,719 3.65 684 3.02 566 100
North Carolina 1 19,041 3.20 609 2.94 560 100
North Dakota 2 14,553 4.90 713 3.13 455 100
Ohio 154 17,580 3.64 641 3.12 548 100
Oklahoma 154 15,883 3.34 531 3.05 485 100
Oregon 39 18,700 3.58 669 3.07 574 100
Pennsylvania 137 19,122 3.69 705 3.10 592 100
South Dakota 55 18,175 3.51 638 3.12 568 100
Tennessee 5 16,749 3.92 657 3.17 531 100
Texas 378 18,899 3.84 725 3.16 597 100
Utah 49 12,904 3.78 488 3.16 408 100
Vermont 68 17,266 3.74 646 3.10 536 100
Virginia 10 21,175 3.85 814 3.05 647 100
Washington 241 17,075 3.85 657 3.17 540 100
West Virginia 1 14,599 6.13 895 2.97 434 100
Wisconsin 374 17,549 3.73 655 3.08 540 100
US 3,091 18,137 3.66 664 3.09 561 100

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DHI Lactation Averages for Red & White  
Table 7. Red & White State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records
Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Records Milk Fat Protein
State (no.) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Reporting
Arkansas 17 19,295 3.73 720 3.13 605 100
California 181 24,228 3.56 862 3.03 734 100
Colorado 2 23,732 3.35 795 3.13 744 100
Connecticut 1 21,615 3.68 796 2.96 639 100
Florida 1 23,006 3.70 851 2.95 678 100
Georgia 1 28,768 3.03 871 2.81 807 100
Illinois 60 23,200 3.61 837 3.05 707 100
Indiana 2 27,352 4.38 1199 2.97 812 100
Iowa 38 23,002 3.69 850 3.07 706 100
Kansas 5 19,977 3.43 686 3.14 626 100
Kentucky 34 22,637 3.70 837 3.04 688 100
Maine 2 27,973 3.82 1069 2.92 816 100
Maryland 8 20,912 3.82 799 3.06 640 100
Michigan 163 23,522 3.92 923 3.07 722 100
Minnesota 293 24,137 3.73 901 2.99 721 100
Missouri 1 24,360 3.40 828 3.07 748 100
New York 281 23,016 3.70 852 2.98 685 100
North Carolina 13 18,760 3.76 705 2.93 550 100
North Dakota 1 24,577 4.00 983 3.05 749 100
Ohio 70 21,645 3.75 811 3.13 677 100
Oklahoma 3 23,647 3.10 732 2.90 686 100
Oregon 6 27,029 3.75 1014 3.01 814 100
Pennsylvania 397 22,871 3.77 863 3.05 699 100
Puerto Rico 3 12,923 3.32 429 2.98 385 100
South Carolina 2 23,364 3.25 759 2.87 670 100
South Dakota 1 24,425 4.50 1100 3.17 775 100
Texas 73 20,545 3.92 805 3.16 649 100
Vermont 7 21,036 3.57 752 3.05 642 100
Virginia 77 23,750 3.81 905 3.02 718 100
Washington 28 18,345 4.11 754 3.25 596 100
Wisconsin 599 24,173 3.69 892 2.98 719 100
US 2,370 23,342 3.73 871 3.02 705 100

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DHI Lactation Averages Over Time  
Tables 8A-8F. Summary of National Standardized Lactation Averages
for Cows With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations.

  Table 8A. Number of Records
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Ayrshire 13,465 11,576 9,526 7,035 5,989 6,332 6,198 6,439 6,242 6,045
Brown Swiss 17,236 17,717 17,721 15,704 16,029 17,439 17,406 17,887 17,765 18,069
Guernsey 38,364 25,805 15,420 9,406 7,248 6,852 6,727 6,386 6,222 6,144
Holstein 1,109,758 1,720,127 1,769,002 1,624,058 1,650,001 1,720,541 1,793,105 1,875,058 1,935,705 2,020,821
Jersey 63,305 99,416 105,672 106,837 128,236 137,578 143,634 154,137 165,184 182,137
Milking Shorthorn 2,302 2,684 2,662 2,407 2,723 3,094 3,056 3,157 3,092 3,091
Red and White 900 5,588 6,281 3,927 2,636 2,665 2,581 2,416 2,355 2,370

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  Table 8B. Milk (lbs)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Ayrshire 13,144 14,799 15,684 17,389 18,303 18,232 18,220 18,145 18,238 18,275
Brown Swiss 14,172 16,250 17,493 20,300 21,405 21,413 21,533 21,522 21,736 21,857
Guernsey 11,666 13,297 14,051 16,043 17,154 17,394 17,243 17,274 17,269 17,351
Holstein 17,566 20,178 21,618 24,517 25,644 25,674 25,639 25,567 25,635 25,757
Jersey 11,437 13,407 14,842 17,038 18,087 18,159 18,265 18,328 18,315 18,565
Milking Shorthorn 11,560 14,011 15,341 16,548 17,582 17,502 17,461 17,040 17,607 18,137
Red and White 16,470 18,832 20,161 22,845 23,815 23,764 23,637 23,459 23,042 23,342

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  Table 8C. Fat (%)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Ayrshire 3.88 3.85 3.86 3.86 3.82 3.83 3.82 3.84 3.85 3.85
Brown Swiss 4.06 3.98 4.01 4.01 4.00 4.00 3.98 3.99 3.98 3.97
Guernsey 4.60 4.49 4.49 4.46 4.42 4.41 4.39 4.39 4.41 4.43
Holstein 3.61 3.61 3.64 3.64 3.65 3.66 3.65 3.65 3.63 3.65
Jersey 4.84 4.73 4.64 4.60 4.62 4.61 4.58 4.58 4.62 4.69
Milking Shorthorn 3.69 3.58 3.58 3.59 3.58 3.63 3.66 3.71 3.65 3.66
Red and White 3.62 3.67 3.68 3.66 3.63 3.69 3.71 3.73 3.70 3.73

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  Table 8D. Fat (lbs)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Ayrshire 510 570 605 671 700 698 696 697 702 704
Brown Swiss 576 646 701 814 856 857 856 858 865 867
Guernsey 536 598 630 716 758 767 757 759 762 769
Holstein 633 729 786 893 936 941 936 934 932 941
Jersey 553 634 689 784 835 838 836 839 847 870
Milking Shorthorn 426 502 549 595 630 636 639 631 642 664
Red and White 596 692 742 837 865 877 878 876 853 871

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  Table 8E. Protein (%)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Ayrshire 3.16 3.13 3.13 3.12 3.13 3.13 3.14 3.13 3.14
Brown Swiss 3.33 3.32 3.31 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.29
Guernsey 3.30 3.27 3.31 3.27 3.27 3.27 3.26 3.26 3.26
Holstein 2.94 2.94 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.01 3.01 3.02 3.03
Jersey 3.60 3.56 3.58 3.57 3.58 3.57 3.58 3.59 3.60
Milking Shorthorn 3.09 3.07 3.10 3.09 3.10 3.09 3.09 3.09 3.09
Red and White 2.95 2.94 2.98 2.99 3.00 3.01 3.00 3.02 3.02

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  Table 8F. Protein (lbs)
  Calving Year
Breed 1980 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Ayrshire 468 491 545 571 570 570 569 571 573
Brown Swiss 541 581 672 707 707 710 711 717 719
Guernsey 439 460 531 561 569 563 563 563 565
Holstein 592 636 733 772 776 772 771 775 781
Jersey 482 529 610 646 650 652 656 658 669
Milking Shorthorn 433 471 512 543 540 539 527 544 561
Red and White 555 594 680 711 712 711 703 695 705

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