State and national standardized lactation averages by breed for cows calving inH.D. Norman, T.A. Cooper, and F.A. Ross, Jr.Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 301-504-8334 (voice) ~ 301-504-8092 (fax) ~ ~ |
Lactation yields are often standardized to provide a reasonably equitable comparison of dairy cows with different lactation characteristics (e.g., calving age, days milked, milking frequency, etc.). This report provides averages of standardized yield for calvings during for each State (excluding Alaska and Hawaii but including Puerto Rico and Mexico) and the nation by breed. The data originated from herds enrolled in Dairy Herd Improvement programs. A few large Mexican herds tested through the U.S. system were included for the second year. The test-day data used by the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory to calculate the standardized lactation records were provided by the dairy records processing centers; participation in Dairy Herd Improvement programs and dairy records processing center activity also have been summarized using the same data source.
Only data used in calculation of national genetic evaluations are included in the State and national averages. Thus, records beyond fifth lactation or by cows that lacked either a first-lactation record or valid sire identification were excluded. For other editing requirements that excluded data, see complete evaluation documentation.
Breed yields are different between this report and the herd-average report because this report summarizes standardized lactation yield (yield adjusted to 305 days and twice daily milking and for month of calving in addition to standardization to a mature-age basis). In contrast, the herd-average report is determined from actual herd yields. Herd-averages derived are not restricted to records usable for national genetic evaluations. Herd-averages are impacted by lactation length and dry period. Relative yields among breeds differ between the two reports because of large breed differences in the percentage of usable records and age-parity factors. Herd-average reports tend to be more current (by about 6 months) than standardized yield reports released at the same time.
Lactation records began to be calculated with the best prediction method in 1997 and are standardized for age-parity (lactation number), calving month, previous days open, and times milked per day. Records shorter than 305 days are extended to 305 days as part of the best prediction process. Prior to 1997, lactation records were calculated with the test-interval method. The change in how lactation records were calculated was responsible for some of the yield increases between 1995 and 2000 because predicted yield for low-producing cows is higher with best prediction than with the test-interval method. Numbers of records and averages for yields and component percentages are in Tables 1 through 7 by State for Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, Guernseys, Holsteins, Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and Whites, respectively. Component percentages were computed from averages of standardized yields for milk and components.
Numbers of records and national averages for milk and component yields and component percentages are in Table 8A-F by breed for selected years. Brown Swiss, Holsteins, Jerseys and Red and White had more usable lactations (Table 8A) in 2010 than in 2009. Holstein calvings were up 4.4%; Jersey calvings increased by 9.9%. Compared with 2009, milk yield (Table 8B) increased for all 7 breeds. Ayrshires by 0.2%, Brown Swiss by 0.6%, Guernseys by 0.5%, Holsteins by 0.5%, Jerseys by 1.4%, Milking Shorthorn by 3.0%, and Red and White by 1.3%. Fat percentage (Table 8C) in 2010 showed a few changes from 2009 but represented their historic averages well. The exception was the increase from 4.62% to 4.69% for Jerseys, probably reflecting recent increase in use of bulls with Danish genetics. Fat yield (Table 8D) in 2010 increased by 2 pounds in Ayrshire and Brown Swiss, 7 pounds for Gurnsey, and 9 pounds for Holstein, but was higher by a surprising 19 to 23 pounds for Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and White. Protein percentage (Table 8E) changed by no more than 0.01 percentage units for any breed between 2009 and 2010. Since 2009, average protein yield (Table 8F) increased by 2 pounds for Ayrshires, Brown Swiss, and Guernseys and by 6 to 17 pounds for Holsteins, Jerseys, Milking Shorthorns, and Red and Whites.
Although milk and beef prices, feed availability and operating expenses, Government programs, and characteristics of herds entering and leaving eligible testing programs can affect production averages, genetic change continues to have a positive effect on yield. Average yields across time reflects changes in management strategies and increasing genetic emphasis on other traits such as health and longevity. Interpretation of trends in lactation averages should be made in view of other changes affecting profitability and will be impacted by changes in number of records across years as well.
Table 1. Ayrshire State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations. |
Records | Milk | Fat | Protein | ||||
State | (no.) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | Reporting |
Alabama | 2 | 12,276 | 3.96 | 486 | 3.12 | 383 | 100 |
Arkansas | 31 | 15,832 | 3.57 | 565 | 3.24 | 513 | 100 |
California | 16 | 22,519 | 3.90 | 879 | 3.15 | 709 | 100 |
Colorado | 9 | 19,318 | 3.67 | 710 | 3.04 | 588 | 100 |
Connecticut | 126 | 19,091 | 3.86 | 737 | 3.13 | 598 | 100 |
Delaware | 2 | 17,169 | 3.80 | 652 | 3.25 | 559 | 100 |
Florida | 4 | 18,191 | 3.53 | 642 | 2.83 | 514 | 100 |
Idaho | 1 | 17,659 | 3.57 | 630 | 3.19 | 563 | 100 |
Illinois | 199 | 18,390 | 3.88 | 714 | 3.18 | 585 | 100 |
Indiana | 68 | 16,471 | 3.83 | 630 | 3.16 | 521 | 100 |
Iowa | 593 | 19,665 | 3.81 | 750 | 3.15 | 619 | 100 |
Kansas | 25 | 17,625 | 3.50 | 616 | 3.21 | 565 | 100 |
Kentucky | 4 | 21,311 | 3.14 | 668 | 3.14 | 668 | 100 |
Louisiana | 7 | 15,611 | 3.64 | 569 | 3.12 | 486 | 100 |
Maine | 100 | 16,400 | 3.88 | 636 | 3.06 | 501 | 100 |
Maryland | 340 | 18,861 | 4.06 | 766 | 3.13 | 591 | 100 |
Massachusetts | 37 | 12,982 | 3.88 | 504 | 3.09 | 402 | 100 |
Michigan | 54 | 18,555 | 3.89 | 723 | 3.10 | 575 | 100 |
Minnesota | 214 | 17,042 | 3.81 | 649 | 3.11 | 530 | 100 |
Missouri | 89 | 15,750 | 3.82 | 601 | 3.16 | 498 | 100 |
Nebraska | 1 | 29,176 | 3.05 | 889 | 3.08 | 899 | 100 |
New Hampshire | 122 | 18,247 | 3.89 | 710 | 3.20 | 584 | 100 |
New Jersey | 23 | 18,747 | 3.82 | 717 | 3.14 | 588 | 100 |
New Mexico | 260 | 18,433 | 4.13 | 760 | 3.25 | 599 | 100 |
New York | 1,088 | 18,214 | 3.84 | 699 | 3.12 | 568 | 100 |
North Carolina | 33 | 18,190 | 3.69 | 671 | 3.09 | 563 | 100 |
North Dakota | 1 | 20,226 | 3.67 | 742 | 3.26 | 659 | 100 |
Ohio | 465 | 18,197 | 3.83 | 697 | 3.15 | 574 | 100 |
Oklahoma | 52 | 19,723 | 3.59 | 707 | 3.18 | 627 | 100 |
Oregon | 39 | 18,239 | 3.65 | 666 | 3.12 | 569 | 100 |
Pennsylvania | 766 | 18,826 | 3.83 | 720 | 3.13 | 589 | 100 |
Rhode Island | 24 | 16,936 | 3.98 | 675 | 3.14 | 532 | 100 |
South Carolina | 5 | 15,182 | 3.97 | 602 | 3.06 | 464 | 100 |
South Dakota | 1 | 13,049 | 4.20 | 548 | 3.23 | 422 | 100 |
Tennessee | 13 | 17,775 | 3.56 | 633 | 3.06 | 544 | 100 |
Texas | 45 | 17,754 | 3.76 | 668 | 3.14 | 557 | 100 |
Utah | 11 | 12,145 | 4.38 | 532 | 3.26 | 396 | 100 |
Vermont | 403 | 16,850 | 3.87 | 653 | 3.11 | 523 | 100 |
Virginia | 38 | 16,104 | 3.79 | 610 | 3.10 | 500 | 100 |
Washington | 55 | 19,289 | 4.04 | 779 | 3.19 | 616 | 100 |
West Virginia | 38 | 15,810 | 3.66 | 578 | 3.27 | 518 | 100 |
Wisconsin | 641 | 18,680 | 3.80 | 709 | 3.11 | 580 | 100 |
US | 6,045 | 18,275 | 3.85 | 704 | 3.14 | 573 | 100 |
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Table 2. Brown Swiss State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations. |
Records | Milk | Fat | Protein | ||||
State | (no.) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | Reporting |
Alabama | 7 | 16,444 | 3.64 | 598 | 3.11 | 512 | 100 |
Arizona | 115 | 21,305 | 3.87 | 824 | 3.33 | 708 | 100 |
Arkansas | 18 | 19,072 | 3.74 | 713 | 3.14 | 599 | 100 |
California | 379 | 22,467 | 3.84 | 862 | 3.28 | 737 | 100 |
Colorado | 419 | 22,359 | 3.60 | 805 | 3.21 | 717 | 100 |
Connecticut | 65 | 18,721 | 3.91 | 731 | 3.24 | 607 | 100 |
Delaware | 7 | 24,829 | 3.67 | 911 | 3.30 | 818 | 100 |
Florida | 5 | 20,963 | 3.36 | 705 | 2.99 | 626 | 100 |
Georgia | 121 | 17,958 | 3.91 | 702 | 3.25 | 584 | 100 |
Idaho | 190 | 21,400 | 3.82 | 817 | 3.32 | 710 | 100 |
Illinois | 539 | 20,905 | 4.05 | 847 | 3.36 | 702 | 100 |
Indiana | 577 | 22,572 | 3.98 | 898 | 3.29 | 743 | 100 |
Iowa | 1,506 | 21,641 | 4.02 | 869 | 3.34 | 722 | 100 |
Kansas | 152 | 22,501 | 3.74 | 842 | 3.34 | 751 | 100 |
Kentucky | 105 | 20,629 | 3.83 | 791 | 3.25 | 671 | 100 |
Louisiana | 27 | 15,336 | 2.93 | 450 | 3.17 | 487 | 100 |
Maine | 27 | 16,679 | 3.96 | 661 | 3.26 | 543 | 100 |
Maryland | 263 | 21,249 | 4.00 | 849 | 3.36 | 713 | 100 |
Massachusetts | 112 | 21,876 | 3.89 | 851 | 3.28 | 718 | 100 |
Michigan | 299 | 22,911 | 4.00 | 917 | 3.28 | 752 | 100 |
Minnesota | 1,810 | 23,372 | 3.99 | 933 | 3.26 | 761 | 100 |
Mississippi | 4 | 16,426 | 3.98 | 653 | 3.37 | 553 | 100 |
Missouri | 463 | 18,773 | 4.21 | 790 | 3.40 | 638 | 100 |
Nebraska | 43 | 20,843 | 3.95 | 823 | 3.38 | 705 | 100 |
New Hampshire | 83 | 19,293 | 4.04 | 780 | 3.24 | 625 | 100 |
New Jersey | 15 | 21,980 | 4.24 | 931 | 3.21 | 705 | 100 |
New Mexico | 8 | 22,669 | 3.60 | 816 | 3.16 | 716 | 100 |
New York | 1,632 | 21,370 | 3.99 | 854 | 3.28 | 701 | 100 |
North Carolina | 76 | 20,897 | 3.94 | 822 | 3.24 | 678 | 100 |
North Dakota | 40 | 17,122 | 4.19 | 718 | 3.42 | 586 | 100 |
Ohio | 1,528 | 21,613 | 3.98 | 861 | 3.32 | 718 | 100 |
Oklahoma | 36 | 16,842 | 3.74 | 630 | 3.23 | 544 | 100 |
Oregon | 290 | 21,917 | 3.88 | 851 | 3.29 | 722 | 100 |
Pennsylvania | 1,358 | 22,249 | 3.96 | 882 | 3.26 | 725 | 100 |
Puerto Rico | 16 | 14,821 | 3.12 | 462 | 3.22 | 478 | 100 |
South Carolina | 9 | 18,502 | 3.91 | 723 | 3.23 | 597 | 100 |
South Dakota | 79 | 22,403 | 4.31 | 965 | 3.32 | 744 | 100 |
Tennessee | 188 | 18,145 | 3.49 | 633 | 3.31 | 601 | 100 |
Texas | 614 | 23,369 | 3.76 | 879 | 3.33 | 778 | 100 |
Utah | 81 | 22,310 | 4.08 | 911 | 3.44 | 768 | 100 |
Vermont | 416 | 20,245 | 4.24 | 859 | 3.36 | 681 | 100 |
Virginia | 195 | 23,007 | 3.92 | 902 | 3.28 | 754 | 100 |
Washington | 332 | 21,591 | 3.98 | 860 | 3.39 | 731 | 100 |
West Virginia | 12 | 20,263 | 4.13 | 836 | 3.37 | 682 | 100 |
Wisconsin | 3,808 | 22,244 | 4.00 | 889 | 3.26 | 725 | 100 |
US | 18,069 | 21,857 | 3.97 | 867 | 3.29 | 719 | 100 |
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Table 3. Guernsey State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations. |
Records | Milk | Fat | Protein | ||||
State | (no.) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | Reporting |
Arizona | 5 | 20,869 | 4.04 | 843 | 2.89 | 603 | 100 |
Arkansas | 2 | 12,536 | 4.38 | 549 | 3.46 | 434 | 100 |
California | 280 | 18,322 | 4.31 | 790 | 3.40 | 622 | 100 |
Colorado | 1 | 21,006 | 3.03 | 636 | 3.68 | 772 | 100 |
Connecticut | 37 | 16,387 | 4.31 | 707 | 3.19 | 523 | 100 |
Florida | 3 | 15,439 | 3.94 | 609 | 2.88 | 445 | 100 |
Idaho | 5 | 15,444 | 4.20 | 649 | 3.24 | 500 | 100 |
Illinois | 103 | 16,548 | 4.20 | 694 | 3.15 | 522 | 100 |
Indiana | 218 | 16,744 | 4.34 | 727 | 3.23 | 541 | 100 |
Iowa | 527 | 18,483 | 4.46 | 825 | 3.26 | 603 | 100 |
Kansas | 54 | 16,953 | 4.30 | 729 | 3.24 | 550 | 100 |
Kentucky | 38 | 20,549 | 3.81 | 782 | 3.19 | 656 | 100 |
Louisiana | 3 | 18,367 | 3.82 | 701 | 3.05 | 561 | 100 |
Maine | 37 | 14,039 | 4.73 | 664 | 3.27 | 459 | 100 |
Maryland | 202 | 16,742 | 4.54 | 760 | 3.35 | 561 | 100 |
Massachusetts | 28 | 14,609 | 4.52 | 661 | 3.19 | 466 | 100 |
Michigan | 7 | 12,489 | 4.33 | 541 | 3.37 | 421 | 100 |
Minnesota | 253 | 16,668 | 4.40 | 734 | 3.23 | 539 | 100 |
Missouri | 287 | 15,475 | 4.37 | 676 | 3.27 | 505 | 100 |
Montana | 5 | 23,295 | 3.86 | 898 | 3.16 | 736 | 100 |
Nebraska | 29 | 15,473 | 4.58 | 709 | 3.33 | 516 | 100 |
New Hampshire | 10 | 16,455 | 4.69 | 771 | 3.36 | 552 | 100 |
New Jersey | 3 | 14,384 | 4.62 | 665 | 3.32 | 478 | 100 |
New Mexico | 4 | 18,600 | 4.32 | 803 | 3.27 | 609 | 100 |
New York | 527 | 17,748 | 4.36 | 774 | 3.18 | 564 | 100 |
North Carolina | 15 | 17,009 | 4.29 | 730 | 3.28 | 558 | 100 |
North Dakota | 1 | 18,225 | 4.97 | 905 | 3.27 | 596 | 100 |
Ohio | 331 | 16,847 | 4.37 | 737 | 3.30 | 556 | 100 |
Oklahoma | 38 | 15,887 | 4.23 | 671 | 3.27 | 519 | 100 |
Oregon | 195 | 17,182 | 4.19 | 720 | 3.24 | 557 | 100 |
Pennsylvania | 742 | 17,209 | 4.37 | 753 | 3.23 | 556 | 100 |
Rhode Island | 8 | 16,148 | 4.66 | 753 | 3.23 | 522 | 100 |
South Carolina | 20 | 13,460 | 4.05 | 546 | 3.16 | 426 | 100 |
South Dakota | 16 | 12,504 | 4.13 | 517 | 3.20 | 400 | 100 |
Tennessee | 53 | 16,861 | 4.24 | 716 | 3.31 | 559 | 100 |
Texas | 122 | 12,735 | 3.94 | 501 | 3.08 | 392 | 100 |
Vermont | 95 | 14,699 | 4.64 | 682 | 3.30 | 486 | 100 |
Virginia | 101 | 15,090 | 4.61 | 696 | 3.34 | 505 | 100 |
Washington | 113 | 17,322 | 4.46 | 772 | 3.32 | 575 | 100 |
West Virginia | 7 | 15,905 | 4.49 | 715 | 3.41 | 542 | 100 |
Wisconsin | 1,619 | 18,458 | 4.59 | 847 | 3.26 | 601 | 100 |
US | 6,144 | 17,351 | 4.43 | 769 | 3.26 | 565 | 100 |
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Table 4. Holstein State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations. |
Records | Milk | Fat | Protein | ||||
State | (no.) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | Reporting |
Alabama | 597 | 19,433 | 3.42 | 664 | 3.03 | 588 | 100 |
Arizona | 16,458 | 23,765 | 3.54 | 841 | 2.99 | 710 | 100 |
Arkansas | 914 | 20,402 | 3.51 | 715 | 3.04 | 621 | 100 |
California | 456,060 | 26,369 | 3.57 | 943 | 3.06 | 808 | 100 |
Colorado | 17,182 | 26,311 | 3.59 | 946 | 3.11 | 819 | 100 |
Connecticut | 7,230 | 25,003 | 3.81 | 954 | 3.04 | 760 | 100 |
Delaware | 2,211 | 24,605 | 3.69 | 907 | 3.02 | 743 | 100 |
Florida | 9,201 | 23,154 | 3.74 | 865 | 2.92 | 676 | 100 |
Georgia | 7,964 | 23,062 | 3.60 | 829 | 2.97 | 686 | 100 |
Idaho | 89,638 | 25,719 | 3.61 | 927 | 3.08 | 792 | 100 |
Illinois | 26,275 | 25,088 | 3.63 | 911 | 3.02 | 759 | 100 |
Indiana | 20,174 | 24,479 | 3.71 | 908 | 3.04 | 743 | 100 |
Iowa | 56,257 | 26,088 | 3.61 | 941 | 3.02 | 789 | 100 |
Kansas | 9,083 | 24,408 | 3.65 | 890 | 3.10 | 756 | 100 |
Kentucky | 7,208 | 23,165 | 3.57 | 826 | 3.04 | 705 | 100 |
Louisiana | 1,553 | 21,225 | 3.52 | 747 | 3.02 | 640 | 100 |
Maine | 6,857 | 24,518 | 3.74 | 917 | 3.02 | 740 | 100 |
Maryland | 19,443 | 24,367 | 3.74 | 912 | 3.03 | 739 | 100 |
Massachusetts | 3,679 | 24,445 | 3.77 | 921 | 3.03 | 741 | 100 |
Mexico | 1,563 | 26,137 | 3.09 | 809 | 3.04 | 795 | 100 |
Michigan | 75,799 | 26,160 | 3.68 | 962 | 3.01 | 787 | 100 |
Minnesota | 148,265 | 25,443 | 3.67 | 933 | 3.01 | 765 | 100 |
Mississippi | 1,823 | 23,191 | 3.65 | 847 | 3.02 | 701 | 100 |
Missouri | 9,517 | 22,208 | 3.65 | 810 | 3.04 | 674 | 100 |
Montana | 2,376 | 25,668 | 3.65 | 938 | 2.95 | 756 | 100 |
Nebraska | 11,095 | 24,598 | 3.64 | 895 | 3.06 | 753 | 100 |
Nevada | 3,913 | 27,867 | 3.63 | 1012 | 3.07 | 856 | 100 |
New Hampshire | 6,484 | 26,296 | 3.76 | 988 | 3.05 | 803 | 100 |
New Jersey | 2,538 | 24,503 | 3.77 | 923 | 2.99 | 732 | 100 |
New Mexico | 28,748 | 25,121 | 3.52 | 885 | 3.07 | 771 | 100 |
New York | 209,744 | 25,501 | 3.74 | 954 | 3.04 | 775 | 100 |
North Carolina | 10,825 | 24,640 | 3.75 | 924 | 2.96 | 728 | 100 |
North Dakota | 2,606 | 23,842 | 3.65 | 871 | 3.07 | 731 | 100 |
Ohio | 50,659 | 25,148 | 3.68 | 926 | 3.02 | 760 | 100 |
Oklahoma | 2,246 | 21,893 | 3.46 | 756 | 3.05 | 668 | 100 |
Oregon | 18,287 | 24,463 | 3.74 | 914 | 3.06 | 748 | 100 |
Pennsylvania | 179,233 | 25,537 | 3.66 | 935 | 3.00 | 766 | 100 |
Puerto Rico | 484 | 13,782 | 2.96 | 407 | 2.88 | 398 | 100 |
Rhode Island | 56 | 23,318 | 3.64 | 850 | 2.97 | 694 | 100 |
South Carolina | 3,200 | 24,224 | 3.64 | 882 | 3.02 | 731 | 100 |
South Dakota | 14,420 | 24,412 | 3.69 | 900 | 3.05 | 746 | 100 |
Tennessee | 6,347 | 22,824 | 3.78 | 863 | 2.98 | 680 | 100 |
Texas | 21,527 | 24,106 | 3.74 | 903 | 3.12 | 752 | 100 |
Utah | 13,696 | 24,446 | 3.71 | 906 | 3.05 | 747 | 100 |
Vermont | 27,697 | 25,075 | 3.84 | 963 | 3.08 | 773 | 100 |
Virginia | 32,668 | 24,684 | 3.67 | 906 | 2.99 | 739 | 100 |
Washington | 36,721 | 25,598 | 3.67 | 939 | 3.07 | 785 | 100 |
West Virginia | 1,700 | 22,591 | 3.72 | 840 | 3.02 | 681 | 100 |
Wisconsin | 338,179 | 26,736 | 3.68 | 984 | 2.99 | 799 | 100 |
Wyoming | 421 | 25,262 | 3.51 | 887 | 2.99 | 755 | 100 |
US | 2,020,821 | 25,757 | 3.65 | 941 | 3.03 | 781 | 100 |
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Table 5. Jersey State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations. |
Records | Milk | Fat | Protein | ||||
State | (no.) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | Reporting |
Alabama | 1,188 | 14,608 | 4.56 | 666 | 3.63 | 530 | 100 |
Arizona | 5,781 | 17,365 | 4.62 | 803 | 3.54 | 615 | 100 |
Arkansas | 82 | 13,224 | 4.19 | 554 | 3.49 | 461 | 100 |
California | 60,733 | 19,804 | 4.70 | 931 | 3.64 | 720 | 100 |
Colorado | 374 | 18,406 | 4.59 | 845 | 3.66 | 674 | 100 |
Connecticut | 604 | 17,237 | 4.68 | 807 | 3.53 | 609 | 100 |
Delaware | 152 | 19,861 | 4.80 | 954 | 3.51 | 697 | 100 |
Florida | 56 | 17,502 | 3.85 | 674 | 2.93 | 513 | 100 |
Georgia | 306 | 14,014 | 4.39 | 615 | 3.42 | 479 | 100 |
Idaho | 7,219 | 18,865 | 4.70 | 887 | 3.62 | 682 | 100 |
Illinois | 1,615 | 17,337 | 4.70 | 814 | 3.65 | 632 | 100 |
Indiana | 1,268 | 17,071 | 4.68 | 799 | 3.54 | 603 | 100 |
Iowa | 6,377 | 18,475 | 4.73 | 873 | 3.60 | 665 | 100 |
Kansas | 1,199 | 18,135 | 4.71 | 855 | 3.65 | 662 | 100 |
Kentucky | 992 | 16,153 | 4.48 | 723 | 3.56 | 574 | 100 |
Louisiana | 96 | 15,074 | 4.21 | 635 | 3.47 | 524 | 100 |
Maine | 777 | 17,352 | 4.72 | 819 | 3.49 | 605 | 100 |
Maryland | 1,076 | 16,409 | 4.81 | 789 | 3.63 | 596 | 100 |
Massachusetts | 593 | 17,022 | 4.75 | 809 | 3.59 | 611 | 100 |
Michigan | 1,238 | 16,823 | 4.75 | 798 | 3.57 | 601 | 100 |
Minnesota | 3,431 | 17,862 | 4.60 | 822 | 3.53 | 631 | 100 |
Mississippi | 680 | 16,361 | 4.45 | 727 | 3.50 | 572 | 100 |
Missouri | 1,445 | 15,201 | 4.54 | 690 | 3.59 | 546 | 100 |
Montana | 10 | 13,305 | 4.47 | 594 | 3.56 | 474 | 100 |
Nebraska | 622 | 20,067 | 4.59 | 920 | 3.59 | 720 | 100 |
Nevada | 392 | 16,761 | 4.75 | 797 | 3.62 | 606 | 100 |
New Hampshire | 620 | 17,753 | 4.80 | 851 | 3.59 | 637 | 100 |
New Jersey | 92 | 16,590 | 5.14 | 853 | 3.51 | 583 | 100 |
New Mexico | 4,106 | 17,949 | 4.40 | 790 | 3.55 | 638 | 100 |
New York | 6,220 | 18,342 | 4.65 | 852 | 3.50 | 641 | 100 |
North Carolina | 2,228 | 18,319 | 4.45 | 815 | 3.47 | 635 | 100 |
North Dakota | 82 | 14,795 | 4.59 | 679 | 3.71 | 549 | 100 |
Ohio | 8,344 | 17,724 | 4.81 | 853 | 3.63 | 643 | 100 |
Oklahoma | 713 | 15,904 | 4.39 | 697 | 3.57 | 568 | 100 |
Oregon | 11,226 | 18,392 | 4.76 | 875 | 3.67 | 674 | 100 |
Pennsylvania | 8,696 | 17,262 | 4.75 | 820 | 3.60 | 621 | 100 |
Puerto Rico | 18 | 12,864 | 3.29 | 423 | 3.20 | 411 | 100 |
Rhode Island | 25 | 17,312 | 4.45 | 770 | 3.63 | 628 | 100 |
South Carolina | 2,272 | 18,169 | 4.59 | 834 | 3.52 | 639 | 100 |
South Dakota | 1,156 | 17,767 | 4.36 | 775 | 3.54 | 629 | 100 |
Tennessee | 1,685 | 16,944 | 4.79 | 812 | 3.52 | 597 | 100 |
Texas | 14,644 | 19,070 | 4.57 | 871 | 3.57 | 681 | 100 |
Utah | 1,957 | 16,567 | 4.86 | 804 | 3.67 | 608 | 100 |
Vermont | 2,910 | 16,287 | 4.82 | 785 | 3.60 | 586 | 100 |
Virginia | 1,218 | 18,106 | 4.52 | 817 | 3.47 | 628 | 100 |
Washington | 2,881 | 17,504 | 4.69 | 822 | 3.60 | 630 | 100 |
West Virginia | 384 | 14,179 | 4.62 | 655 | 3.58 | 508 | 100 |
Wisconsin | 12,354 | 18,580 | 4.77 | 887 | 3.59 | 667 | 100 |
US | 182,137 | 18,565 | 4.69 | 870 | 3.60 | 669 | 100 |
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Table 6. Milking Shorthorn State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations. |
Records | Milk | Fat | Protein | ||||
State | (no.) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | Reporting |
Arizona | 78 | 13,169 | 3.60 | 475 | 2.97 | 391 | 100 |
Arkansas | 103 | 19,372 | 3.65 | 707 | 3.15 | 610 | 100 |
California | 256 | 20,427 | 3.45 | 705 | 3.07 | 627 | 100 |
Colorado | 19 | 22,322 | 3.57 | 796 | 3.15 | 704 | 100 |
Connecticut | 8 | 17,870 | 3.66 | 654 | 3.03 | 541 | 100 |
Idaho | 22 | 18,036 | 3.47 | 627 | 3.08 | 556 | 100 |
Illinois | 51 | 18,365 | 3.57 | 656 | 3.12 | 573 | 100 |
Indiana | 80 | 19,459 | 3.72 | 723 | 3.13 | 608 | 100 |
Iowa | 115 | 19,223 | 3.54 | 680 | 3.07 | 590 | 100 |
Kansas | 18 | 20,592 | 3.35 | 691 | 3.05 | 628 | 100 |
Kentucky | 2 | 24,100 | 3.03 | 730 | 3.01 | 725 | 100 |
Maine | 32 | 19,671 | 3.60 | 708 | 3.01 | 592 | 100 |
Maryland | 40 | 18,949 | 3.82 | 723 | 3.07 | 582 | 100 |
Massachusetts | 25 | 15,894 | 3.74 | 595 | 3.07 | 488 | 100 |
Michigan | 25 | 18,051 | 3.80 | 687 | 3.14 | 567 | 100 |
Minnesota | 227 | 18,175 | 3.55 | 646 | 3.01 | 547 | 100 |
Missouri | 82 | 17,034 | 3.64 | 620 | 3.16 | 538 | 100 |
New Hampshire | 91 | 18,591 | 3.82 | 710 | 3.10 | 576 | 100 |
New Jersey | 1 | 14,067 | 3.96 | 557 | 3.38 | 475 | 100 |
New York | 148 | 18,719 | 3.65 | 684 | 3.02 | 566 | 100 |
North Carolina | 1 | 19,041 | 3.20 | 609 | 2.94 | 560 | 100 |
North Dakota | 2 | 14,553 | 4.90 | 713 | 3.13 | 455 | 100 |
Ohio | 154 | 17,580 | 3.64 | 641 | 3.12 | 548 | 100 |
Oklahoma | 154 | 15,883 | 3.34 | 531 | 3.05 | 485 | 100 |
Oregon | 39 | 18,700 | 3.58 | 669 | 3.07 | 574 | 100 |
Pennsylvania | 137 | 19,122 | 3.69 | 705 | 3.10 | 592 | 100 |
South Dakota | 55 | 18,175 | 3.51 | 638 | 3.12 | 568 | 100 |
Tennessee | 5 | 16,749 | 3.92 | 657 | 3.17 | 531 | 100 |
Texas | 378 | 18,899 | 3.84 | 725 | 3.16 | 597 | 100 |
Utah | 49 | 12,904 | 3.78 | 488 | 3.16 | 408 | 100 |
Vermont | 68 | 17,266 | 3.74 | 646 | 3.10 | 536 | 100 |
Virginia | 10 | 21,175 | 3.85 | 814 | 3.05 | 647 | 100 |
Washington | 241 | 17,075 | 3.85 | 657 | 3.17 | 540 | 100 |
West Virginia | 1 | 14,599 | 6.13 | 895 | 2.97 | 434 | 100 |
Wisconsin | 374 | 17,549 | 3.73 | 655 | 3.08 | 540 | 100 |
US | 3,091 | 18,137 | 3.66 | 664 | 3.09 | 561 | 100 |
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Table 7. Red & White State and National Standardized Lactation Averages for Cows Calving in 2010 With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations. |
Records | Milk | Fat | Protein | ||||
State | (no.) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | (%) | (lb) | Reporting |
Arkansas | 17 | 19,295 | 3.73 | 720 | 3.13 | 605 | 100 |
California | 181 | 24,228 | 3.56 | 862 | 3.03 | 734 | 100 |
Colorado | 2 | 23,732 | 3.35 | 795 | 3.13 | 744 | 100 |
Connecticut | 1 | 21,615 | 3.68 | 796 | 2.96 | 639 | 100 |
Florida | 1 | 23,006 | 3.70 | 851 | 2.95 | 678 | 100 |
Georgia | 1 | 28,768 | 3.03 | 871 | 2.81 | 807 | 100 |
Illinois | 60 | 23,200 | 3.61 | 837 | 3.05 | 707 | 100 |
Indiana | 2 | 27,352 | 4.38 | 1199 | 2.97 | 812 | 100 |
Iowa | 38 | 23,002 | 3.69 | 850 | 3.07 | 706 | 100 |
Kansas | 5 | 19,977 | 3.43 | 686 | 3.14 | 626 | 100 |
Kentucky | 34 | 22,637 | 3.70 | 837 | 3.04 | 688 | 100 |
Maine | 2 | 27,973 | 3.82 | 1069 | 2.92 | 816 | 100 |
Maryland | 8 | 20,912 | 3.82 | 799 | 3.06 | 640 | 100 |
Michigan | 163 | 23,522 | 3.92 | 923 | 3.07 | 722 | 100 |
Minnesota | 293 | 24,137 | 3.73 | 901 | 2.99 | 721 | 100 |
Missouri | 1 | 24,360 | 3.40 | 828 | 3.07 | 748 | 100 |
New York | 281 | 23,016 | 3.70 | 852 | 2.98 | 685 | 100 |
North Carolina | 13 | 18,760 | 3.76 | 705 | 2.93 | 550 | 100 |
North Dakota | 1 | 24,577 | 4.00 | 983 | 3.05 | 749 | 100 |
Ohio | 70 | 21,645 | 3.75 | 811 | 3.13 | 677 | 100 |
Oklahoma | 3 | 23,647 | 3.10 | 732 | 2.90 | 686 | 100 |
Oregon | 6 | 27,029 | 3.75 | 1014 | 3.01 | 814 | 100 |
Pennsylvania | 397 | 22,871 | 3.77 | 863 | 3.05 | 699 | 100 |
Puerto Rico | 3 | 12,923 | 3.32 | 429 | 2.98 | 385 | 100 |
South Carolina | 2 | 23,364 | 3.25 | 759 | 2.87 | 670 | 100 |
South Dakota | 1 | 24,425 | 4.50 | 1100 | 3.17 | 775 | 100 |
Texas | 73 | 20,545 | 3.92 | 805 | 3.16 | 649 | 100 |
Vermont | 7 | 21,036 | 3.57 | 752 | 3.05 | 642 | 100 |
Virginia | 77 | 23,750 | 3.81 | 905 | 3.02 | 718 | 100 |
Washington | 28 | 18,345 | 4.11 | 754 | 3.25 | 596 | 100 |
Wisconsin | 599 | 24,173 | 3.69 | 892 | 2.98 | 719 | 100 |
US | 2,370 | 23,342 | 3.73 | 871 | 3.02 | 705 | 100 |
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Tables 8A-8F. Summary of National Standardized Lactation Averages |
for Cows With Records Used in National Genetic Evaluations. |
Table 8A. Number of Records | ||||||||||
Calving Year | ||||||||||
Breed | 1980 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Ayrshire | 13,465 | 11,576 | 9,526 | 7,035 | 5,989 | 6,332 | 6,198 | 6,439 | 6,242 | 6,045 |
Brown Swiss | 17,236 | 17,717 | 17,721 | 15,704 | 16,029 | 17,439 | 17,406 | 17,887 | 17,765 | 18,069 |
Guernsey | 38,364 | 25,805 | 15,420 | 9,406 | 7,248 | 6,852 | 6,727 | 6,386 | 6,222 | 6,144 |
Holstein | 1,109,758 | 1,720,127 | 1,769,002 | 1,624,058 | 1,650,001 | 1,720,541 | 1,793,105 | 1,875,058 | 1,935,705 | 2,020,821 |
Jersey | 63,305 | 99,416 | 105,672 | 106,837 | 128,236 | 137,578 | 143,634 | 154,137 | 165,184 | 182,137 |
Milking Shorthorn | 2,302 | 2,684 | 2,662 | 2,407 | 2,723 | 3,094 | 3,056 | 3,157 | 3,092 | 3,091 |
Red and White | 900 | 5,588 | 6,281 | 3,927 | 2,636 | 2,665 | 2,581 | 2,416 | 2,355 | 2,370 |
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Table 8B. Milk (lbs) | ||||||||||
Calving Year | ||||||||||
Breed | 1980 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Ayrshire | 13,144 | 14,799 | 15,684 | 17,389 | 18,303 | 18,232 | 18,220 | 18,145 | 18,238 | 18,275 |
Brown Swiss | 14,172 | 16,250 | 17,493 | 20,300 | 21,405 | 21,413 | 21,533 | 21,522 | 21,736 | 21,857 |
Guernsey | 11,666 | 13,297 | 14,051 | 16,043 | 17,154 | 17,394 | 17,243 | 17,274 | 17,269 | 17,351 |
Holstein | 17,566 | 20,178 | 21,618 | 24,517 | 25,644 | 25,674 | 25,639 | 25,567 | 25,635 | 25,757 |
Jersey | 11,437 | 13,407 | 14,842 | 17,038 | 18,087 | 18,159 | 18,265 | 18,328 | 18,315 | 18,565 |
Milking Shorthorn | 11,560 | 14,011 | 15,341 | 16,548 | 17,582 | 17,502 | 17,461 | 17,040 | 17,607 | 18,137 |
Red and White | 16,470 | 18,832 | 20,161 | 22,845 | 23,815 | 23,764 | 23,637 | 23,459 | 23,042 | 23,342 |
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Table 8C. Fat (%) | ||||||||||
Calving Year | ||||||||||
Breed | 1980 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Ayrshire | 3.88 | 3.85 | 3.86 | 3.86 | 3.82 | 3.83 | 3.82 | 3.84 | 3.85 | 3.85 |
Brown Swiss | 4.06 | 3.98 | 4.01 | 4.01 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 3.98 | 3.99 | 3.98 | 3.97 |
Guernsey | 4.60 | 4.49 | 4.49 | 4.46 | 4.42 | 4.41 | 4.39 | 4.39 | 4.41 | 4.43 |
Holstein | 3.61 | 3.61 | 3.64 | 3.64 | 3.65 | 3.66 | 3.65 | 3.65 | 3.63 | 3.65 |
Jersey | 4.84 | 4.73 | 4.64 | 4.60 | 4.62 | 4.61 | 4.58 | 4.58 | 4.62 | 4.69 |
Milking Shorthorn | 3.69 | 3.58 | 3.58 | 3.59 | 3.58 | 3.63 | 3.66 | 3.71 | 3.65 | 3.66 |
Red and White | 3.62 | 3.67 | 3.68 | 3.66 | 3.63 | 3.69 | 3.71 | 3.73 | 3.70 | 3.73 |
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Table 8D. Fat (lbs) | ||||||||||
Calving Year | ||||||||||
Breed | 1980 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Ayrshire | 510 | 570 | 605 | 671 | 700 | 698 | 696 | 697 | 702 | 704 |
Brown Swiss | 576 | 646 | 701 | 814 | 856 | 857 | 856 | 858 | 865 | 867 |
Guernsey | 536 | 598 | 630 | 716 | 758 | 767 | 757 | 759 | 762 | 769 |
Holstein | 633 | 729 | 786 | 893 | 936 | 941 | 936 | 934 | 932 | 941 |
Jersey | 553 | 634 | 689 | 784 | 835 | 838 | 836 | 839 | 847 | 870 |
Milking Shorthorn | 426 | 502 | 549 | 595 | 630 | 636 | 639 | 631 | 642 | 664 |
Red and White | 596 | 692 | 742 | 837 | 865 | 877 | 878 | 876 | 853 | 871 |
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Table 8E. Protein (%) | ||||||||||
Calving Year | ||||||||||
Breed | 1980 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Ayrshire | 3.16 | 3.13 | 3.13 | 3.12 | 3.13 | 3.13 | 3.14 | 3.13 | 3.14 | |
Brown Swiss | 3.33 | 3.32 | 3.31 | 3.30 | 3.30 | 3.30 | 3.30 | 3.30 | 3.29 | |
Guernsey | 3.30 | 3.27 | 3.31 | 3.27 | 3.27 | 3.27 | 3.26 | 3.26 | 3.26 | |
Holstein | 2.94 | 2.94 | 3.00 | 3.01 | 3.02 | 3.01 | 3.01 | 3.02 | 3.03 | |
Jersey | 3.60 | 3.56 | 3.58 | 3.57 | 3.58 | 3.57 | 3.58 | 3.59 | 3.60 | |
Milking Shorthorn | 3.09 | 3.07 | 3.10 | 3.09 | 3.10 | 3.09 | 3.09 | 3.09 | 3.09 | |
Red and White | 2.95 | 2.94 | 2.98 | 2.99 | 3.00 | 3.01 | 3.00 | 3.02 | 3.02 |
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Table 8F. Protein (lbs) | ||||||||||
Calving Year | ||||||||||
Breed | 1980 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |
Ayrshire | 468 | 491 | 545 | 571 | 570 | 570 | 569 | 571 | 573 | |
Brown Swiss | 541 | 581 | 672 | 707 | 707 | 710 | 711 | 717 | 719 | |
Guernsey | 439 | 460 | 531 | 561 | 569 | 563 | 563 | 563 | 565 | |
Holstein | 592 | 636 | 733 | 772 | 776 | 772 | 771 | 775 | 781 | |
Jersey | 482 | 529 | 610 | 646 | 650 | 652 | 656 | 658 | 669 | |
Milking Shorthorn | 433 | 471 | 512 | 543 | 540 | 539 | 527 | 544 | 561 | |
Red and White | 555 | 594 | 680 | 711 | 712 | 711 | 703 | 695 | 705 |
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